Agenda item

Public Question Time


Q.  Did Wirral Council’s planning department have any part in Aldi’s car park plans regarding time limits?

A.  The application from Aldi was for the whole of the site.  There were no conditions regarding parking.  Aldi are operating free car parking for customers for up to 90 minutes.  People have been abusing this and parking their cars all day and not even shopping at Aldi.  Wirral Council have no authorisation over the parking regulations at Aldi.

  It was proposed for the church to contact management of Aldi to arrange a deal with parking for the church goers.


Q.  With the departure of Mary Bagley from Parks and Gardens will it now be poorly maintained?

A.  The post will be advertised and a new officer will be put in place and hopefully get someone equally as good.


Q.  There is the opportunity for Meols to get more allotments and the local allotment association has raised funds to get these allotments.  However, now the association has been informed by planning that the football pitches have to be made to a better condition, which could cost up to £6k.  Why should we have to pay out more when we have already raised money?

A.  Kevin Adderley explained that Sports England have made this condition to improve the football pitches.  There is funding available for allotments.  He will look into this and report back.


Q.  Could the Council speak to Sport England and negotiate the price down?

A.  Sport England have not quoted £6k, they have requested that the football pitches be improved.  They will not change their mind.  If the football pitches are not improved then the allotments won’t go ahead.


Q.  There have been discussions to demolish the toilets on the promenade at Hoylake.  The planning permission was to turn it into a café, however these plans have not gone ahead and the toilets are still an eyesore.  Would it be possible to demolish these toilets and just have the empty space?

A.  Kevin Adderley will find out about the plans and report back.


Q.  Are the discounts for Council Tax for over 70’s advertised?

A.  There are discounts available for people aged 70 and over; there is also the option to pay over 12 months instead of 10 to reduce monthly outgoings.  Thanks to the Older People’s Parliament this is advertised.  The information is also available in the Council Tax packs each year.


Q.  An enquiry was made as to why certain Councillors and local officers visited China recently.  He expressed his concerns.

A.  Councillor Jeff Green explained that his visit to China was for opportunities for future investments for Wirral.  The International Trade Centre could bring up to 3000 jobs to this area and bring future investment too.  It was a successful visit.


Q.  With the Open coming to Hoylake again in 2014, has the planning stage started?

A.  Kevin Adderley explained that in the previous Open, planning started early as it had been 39 years since the last one.  The planning will be based on the 2006 Open.  The Women’s Open is taking place in Hoylake in September, so the major planning for 2014 will start after that.  We will engage with the Community regarding any plans.


Q.  Could you give some indication as the Phase 2 of the improvements around Hoylake Station?

A.  It is still in the planning process, residents are being consulted for their views.  It should be in place in time for the 2014 Open.


Q.  This is very encouraging to hear, but could something be done about the eyesore of the Euro-Bins in that area?  They also obstruct the pavements.

A.  Kevin Adderley will look into this and follow up at the next meeting.


Q.  With regards to the re-furbishment of Hoylake Station, residents don’t want to see the ‘Hut’ go as it is part of the history.

A.  The local shop and ‘Butty Bar’ will be contacted for their feedback on proposals as well as the local residents.


Q.  Cyclists have been riding their cycles the wrong way up the one-way section of the promenade.

A.  This is quite difficult to control.  Officers patrol this area more when the weather is hot.  Officers will work with Community Patrol to educate the cyclists.

  The problem area is on the road.  Cyclists are able to cycle in 2 directions on the promenade.


Q.  There are also a number of cars that go the wrong way down the one-way section.

A.  By working together with road safety and community patrol, a solution will be found.


Q.  There are no markings on the promenade for pedestrians and cyclists.  It would be safer if this was the case.

A.  Noted.