Agenda item

OUT/12/00331 - Bridge Court, BRIDGE ROAD, WEST KIRBY - Outline planning application for (A) Construction of forty eight two bed apartments with associated car parking, and (B) A new healthcare facility with associated car parking.


The Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning submitted the above application for consideration.


A ward Councillor addressed the meeting


A petitioner addressed the meeting


The Agent addressed the meeting


On motion by Councillor Kenny and seconded by Councillor Elderton it was


Resolved (11:0) – That the application be approved subject to the following conditions;


1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission or two years from the date of the approval of the last of the reserved matters, whichever is the later.


2. Details of the reserved matters set out below shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval within three years from the date of this permission:



b)  Scale

c)  Appearance

d)  Access and



Approval of all reserved matters shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced and shall be carried out as approved.


3. Prior to the occupation of the development, hereby approved, a scheme for the provision of affordable housing to be provided, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The scheme shall include the occupancy criteria to be used in determining the identity of prospective and successive occupier of the affordable housing and the means by which such occupancy can be enforced. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full and in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed in writing with the LPA.


4. Details of all fencing, walls, gateways and means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the development hereby approved is completed and the work shall be carried out prior to occupation, in accordance with the details so approved, and retained as such thereafter.


5. No part of the development shall be brought into use until space and facilities for cycle parking of a type and in a location previously submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority have been provided and these facilities shall be permanently retained thereafter.


6. Development shall not commence until details of works to provide a Toucan Crossing on Orrysdale Road have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  First occupation of the development shall not commence until works have been completed in accordance with the agreed details, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


7. No works or development shall take place until a detailed Method Statement for the protection of the retained trees (section 7, BS59837, the Tree Protection Plan) has been agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved method statement. For the avoidance of doubt, the method statement shall include:


a)  a schedule of tree works for all the retained trees in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, specifying pruning and other remedial or preventative work, whether for physiological, hazard abatement, aesthetic or operational reasons.  All tree works shall be carried out in accordance with BS3998, 1989, Recommendations for tree work. 


b)  the details and positions (shown on the plan at paragraph (a) above) of the Ground Protection Zones (section 9.3 of BS5837).


c)  the details and positions of the Tree Protection Barriers (section 9.2 of BS5837), identified separately where required for different phases of construction work (e.g. demolition, construction, hard landscaping). The Tree Protection Barriers must be erected prior to each construction phase commencing and remain in place, and undamaged for the duration of that phase.  No works shall take place on the next phase until the Tree Protection Barriers are repositioned for that phase.


d)  the details and positions (shown on the plan at paragraph (a) above) of the Construction Exclusion Zones (section 9 of BS5837).


e)  the details and positions (shown on the plan at paragraph (a) above) of the underground service runs (section11.7 of BS5837).


f)  the details of any changes in levels or the position of any proposed excavations within 5 metres of the Root Protection Area (para. 5.2.2 of BS5837) of any retained tree, including those on neighbouring or nearby ground.


g)  the details of any special engineering required to accommodate the protection of retained trees (section10 of BS5837), (e.g. in connection with foundations, bridging, water features, surfacing)


h)  the details of the working methods to be employed for the installation of drives and paths within the RPAs of retained trees in accordance with the principles of "No-Dig" construction.


i)  the details of the working methods to be employed with regard to the access for and use of heavy, large, difficult to manoeuvre plant (including cranes and their loads, dredging machinery, concrete pumps, piling rigs, etc) on site.


j)  the details of the working methods to be employed with regard to site logistics and storage, including an allowance for slopes, water courses and enclosures, with particular regard to ground compaction and phytotoxicity.


k)  the details of the method to be employed for the stationing, use and removal of site cabins within any RPA (para. 9.2.3 of BS5837).


l)  the details of tree protection measures for the hard landscaping phase (sections 13 and 14 of BS5837).


m)  the timing of the various phases of the works or development in the context of the tree protection measures.


8. No development shall commence until details of the proposed measures to be incorporated within the buildings to achieve 10% of the predicted energy requirements of the site from renewable sources have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, unless it has previously been demonstrated by the applicant, having regard to the type of development involved and its design, that this is not feasible or viable. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and operated as such thereafter.


9. Development shall not commence until details of works to widen the existing footway to 2.0 metres along the east side of Orrysdale Road from Bridge Road to the southernmost extent of the site have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  First occupation of the development shall not commence until those works have been completed in accordance with the agreed details, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


10. Development shall not commence until details of works to provide a shared cycle / footpath along the line of the existing footpath on the grassed area to the east of Orrysdale Road from Bridge Road to the southernmost extent of the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  For the avoidance of doubt, the details hereby submitted shall include a maintenance schedule.  Prior to first occupation the works shall be completed in accordance with the written approval to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and shall be retained as such thereafter and maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance schedule.


11. Development shall not commence until details of works to provide a footpath linking Orrysdale Road and Bridge Road have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  For the avoidance of doubt, the details hereby submitted shall include a maintenance schedule. Prior to first occupation the works shall be completed in accordance with the written approval to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and shall be retained as such thereafter and maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance schedule.


12. Development shall not commence until details of works to provide a shared cycle / footway along the west side of Orrysdale Road from the above mentioned Toucan Crossing to Grange Road Toucan Crossing have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  First occupation of the development shall not commence until those works have been completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


13. Development shall not commence until details of works to widen Bridge Court and provide a turning head at its southernmost extent have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  First occupation of the development shall not commence until those works have been completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


14. Development shall not commence until details of a regime for servicing and deliveries for the Health Care Facility have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved details shall be implemented upon first occupation of the site and shall be retained as such thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, all deliveries and servicing shall only take place between the hours of 07.00 and 22.00 Monday to Saturday. On Sundays and Bank Holidays, deliveries and servicing shall only take place between the hours of 09.00 and 17.00.


15. The following activities must not be carried out under any circumstances:


a)  No fires shall be lit within 10 metres of the nearest point of the canopy of any retained tree.

b)  No works shall proceed until the appropriate Tree Protection Barriers are in place, with the exception of initial tree works.

c)  No equipment, signage, fencing, tree protection barriers, materials, components, vehicles or structures  shall be attached to or supported by a retained tree.

d)  No mixing of cement or use of other materials or substances shall take place within a RPA, or close enough to a RPA that seepage or displacement of those materials or substances could cause then to enter a RPA

e)  No alterations or variations to the approved works or tree protection schemes shall be carried out without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


16. All excavations within the crown spreads of existing trees, situated on or off site, shall be undertaken manually by hand with the use of hand tools and only upon the prior written approval of the local authority shall the use of a mechanical digger be permitted within the crown spreads of trees. Severance of tree roots is to be avoided and under no circumstances shall roots of a diameter 25mm or greater be removed, severed or damaged.


17. A Full Travel Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority within 6 months of occupation of the development hereby approved. The provisions of the Travel Plan shall be implemented and operated in accordance with the programme and shall not be varied other than through agreement with the Local Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt a travel plan should include, but shall not be limited to:


  I.  A commitment to the principals outlined in the draft Framework Travel Plan;

  II.  Any changes to the existing transport services to the site;

  III.  Results of the initial staff travel survey;

  IV.  Details of visitor travel patterns;

  V.  Revised targets for modal shift or split based upon the travel survey;

  VI.  Identification of a Travel Plan co-ordinator;

  VII.  An action plan of measures with a timescale for implementation;

  VIII.  Detail of measures and resource allocation to promote the Travel Plan; and

  IX.  Mechanisms for monitoring (which include mode share and exact numbers of staff) and reviewing the Travel Plan, including the submission of an annual review and action plan to the Local Planning Authority.


18. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as a datum for measuring land levels has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Full details of existing and proposed ground levels and proposed finished floor levels shall be taken from that datum, notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plans. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and retained as such thereafter.


19. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as a scheme for the management of overland flow from surcharging of the site's surface water drainage system is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the proposed ground levels and proposed finished floor levels. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme..

20. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such times as a scheme for the provision and implementation of a surface water regulation system has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. Prior to the submission of those details, an assessment shall be carried out into the potential for disposing of surface water by means of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and the results of the assessment provided to the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme.


21. Prior to the commencement of development approved by this planning permission the following components of a scheme to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site shall be submitted to and approved, in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


1) A preliminary risk assessment which has identified:

·  All previous uses

·  Potential contaminants associated with those uses

·  A conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways & receptors

·  Potentially unacceptable risk arising from contamination at the site

2) A site investigation scheme, based on (1) to provide information for a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off site

3) The site investigation results and the detailed risk assessment (2) and, based on remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken

4) A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in (3) are complete and identifying any requirements

for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.


Any changes to these components require the express consent of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented as approved.


22. Notwithstanding the submitted details, and having regard to the submitted Design Out Crime Advice, the development authorised by this permission shall not begin until the Local Planning Authority has approved in writing the details of measures to be incorporated for the prevention of crime. The detail shall include the following measures:


·  CCTV cameras to be installed to the building and car park;

·  Roller shuttering or 6.4mm laminated glazing to be installed to ground floor vulnerable windows;

·  Bollards, planters or an alternative feature to the front elevation of the health centre capable of stopping a vehicular attack to the building.


The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details, and retained as such thereafter.


23. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans received by the local planning authority on 20 March 2012.


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