Agenda item



Proposed by Councillor Mark Johnston

Seconded by Councillor Stuart Kelly




(1)  notes that branch library opening times have been a topic of concern for local residents at the Heswall, Pensby, Thingwall neighbourhood forum;


(2)  notes the Libraries Strategy (Cabinet 8th December 2011 minute 219 refers), in which only the four ‘main libraries’ at Birkenhead, Wallasey, Bebington and West Kirby are to be open weekday evenings;


(3)  also notes the Libraries Strategy trial of opening on Wednesdays (instead of evenings) being carried out at Heswall and Eastham libraries with a view to this pattern of opening being rolled out at all libraries;


(4)  has regard to feedback from these trials, which point out the lack of an evening option can unacceptably exclude anyone in work, education or training from making use of these much valued community facilities;


(5)  believes that the best way to determine a response to conflicting pressures of customer demands and budgetary constraints is to consult, engage and listen to library users about what they want from their local library service and how they wish to see the allocated opening hours applied to their local library;


(6)  rejects the view that ‘one size fits all’ in each local circumstance, as this is incompatible with Localism principles and aspirations and the Notice of Motion agreed by Council 16th April entitled ‘Delivering Services with Empathy, Compassion and Common Sense’ (minute 148 refers) which sought to ensure services were provided for our services users, rather than at the convenience of the Council and other providers;


(7)  believes that Cabinet should amend the Library Strategy's policy on opening times to allow neighbourhood forums, in consultation with their local community, library user groups and library staff to determine the most appropriate spread of opening hours through the week to best suit the needs of their communities, with the costs of any additional hours required to be met from existing devolved budgets; and


(8)  requests an update on these matters be provided to an appropriate meeting of Sustainable Communities OSC.


Amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 (2)


Proposed by Councillor Chris Meaden

Seconded by Councillor Denise Roberts


Delete all and Replace with:


(1)  Council notes that the authority will shortly be undertaking a detailed consultation exercise with the public and library users regarding library opening times.


(2)  We propose to consult users in every library during late July and August to see if local needs for opening hours differ from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the service. We will ask members of the public what they think about the proposed opening hours planned for their library. We will ask users when they currently access the library and would they consider accessing the library at a different time. The views of Neighbourhood Forums will also be taken into account; and


(3)  The results of this consultation will be reported to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee and to Cabinet and will inform the Library Strategy.


The amendment was put and carried (34:26) (one abstention)


The Substantive Motion was put and carried (34:26) (one abstention)


Resolved (34:26) (one abstention) –




(1)  notes that the authority will shortly be undertaking a detailed consultation exercise with the public and library users regarding library opening times;


(2)  propose to consult users in every library during late July and August to see if local needs for opening hours differ from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the service. We will ask members of the public what they think about the proposed opening hours planned for their library. We will ask users when they currently access the library and would they consider accessing the library at a different time. The views of Neighbourhood Forums will also be taken into account; and


(3)  The results of this consultation will be reported to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee and to Cabinet and will inform the Library Strategy.