Agenda item

09:25 Review of the Memorandum of Understanding/Board Membership Annual Review/Proposed Production of a new Children and Young People's Plan


N. Clarkson explained the background of the Memorandum in relation to the governance of the WCTB, the delivery of the Children and Young People’s Plan and the protocol for exchange and challenge between the WCTB and the Wirral Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB). She drew attention to the discussions that have been held regarding the roles of the Children’s Trust and the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB).


J. Hassall observed that a report she had taken to the HWBB explaining the work of the WCTB had been well-received and that as no duplication of tasks were evident, the WCTB should continue to pursue its work.  The HWBB will produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Wirral ready for when its shadow status ends in April 2013.


Questions were invited and the following amendments were advised:

J. Hassall recommended at 8.5 (page 14) ‘The third sector’ be replaced with ‘the voluntary and faith sector’ with which B. Morgan, representing the voluntary and faith sector, concurred. 


J. Martin drew attention to the reference to the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) (20.2.1, page 21) as the Board had not been convened for a period of time. N. Clarkson responded by stating that the LSP was still in existence, that the Children’s Trust was part of the partnership, also that the Council was supportive of partnership working and that it was her understanding from corporate colleagues that the LSP arrangements would be reviewed.


R. Longster recommended that the Health and Wellbeing Board should be referred to in the Memorandum.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital membership had reduced from two members to one. J. Hassall advised on another health representative becoming a member. B. Morgan recommended a Clinical Commissioning Group General Practitioner who has made a positive contribution to the Child Poverty Working Group.


J. Hassall concluded the discussion by suggesting she would work with N. Clarkson further on membership to link the Health and Wellbeing and Children’s Trust Boards.


N. Clarkson commented on section 4.0: Production of the new Children and Young People’s Plan as a strategic document, drawing attention to the Executive’s recommendations, namely:

  • A three-year plan allows a more strategic approach.
  • The annual report should continue to ensure the work is fully reviewed.
  • The timeframe allows for the new Plan to be reviewed by the Children’s Trust Board in March 2013.
  • In relation to the Memorandum, the Executive will ensure the various Boards are well-structured and reduced if appropriate.


J. Martin questioned whether the impending reductions in public spending would make it necessary to have yearly reviews. N. Clarkson responded by stating that the issues in producing a three year plan had been discussed in full by the Executive and their suggestion was that it offered more continuity and allowed more scope for forward planning. The reduction in spending would be taken into account and the likelihood was that the plan would be more streamlined than previous years.


J. Owens requested a copy of the final version of the Memorandum to follow up with school governors. N. Clarkson advised it would be available on the Children’s Trust link on the Council website.



·  The board endorsed the revised Memorandum subject to amendments.

·  The reduction in WUTH membership was noted and further health membership would be progressed.

·  The proposals put forward by the Executive for the production of a new CYPP were agreed.



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