Agenda item

Partner Organisation Updates/General Public Question Time


Community Safety: Jim Thompson gave an update on crime statistics saying the Home Office predicted crime rates would sore, in fact they have fallen in Wirral. Jim went on to stress that Winter is on it’s way and residents are asked to keep a light on or to invest in a timer as having a dark house is only highlighting the fact there’s no one in. Jim also reminded residents to lock UPVC doors and not just lift the handles.


Following an earlier comment from a resident, Jim said they’ve seen a significant increase in referrals of domestic violence. This doesn’t mean domestic violence is on the rise it just means they are being reported which is a good sign.


Cllr Salter/Jim urged residents to lock their alley gates and to make sure they don’t lose their keys as they are quite expensive but also if they aren’t in stock it will take up to 4 weeks for another to arrive.


Merseyside Police: Trish McLeod gave an overview of crime in the Liscard and Seacombe area stating overall crime is down. Burglary is an area that Merseyside Police are concentrated on at the moment – offenders of specific crimes are being targeted. Trish went on to talk about ‘Operation Banger’ and the positive work Merseyside police are doing going in to schools in these ‘hot areas’ of anti-social behaviour giving presentations. Trish mentioned how great it was that local businesses are helping with funding to get children involved in other activities to get them off the streets.


Trish asked residents to be a bit more vigilant on the run up to Christmas with their belongings, the amount of ‘drippings’ rise at this time of year. Also to make sure presents are out of site.


A resident asked Trish to pass on his thanks to Joan (PCSO) who was asked to attend the Older People’s Parliament. Joan gave an update and answered numerous questions.


Cllr Salter/Trish reminded the Forum that the ‘Have Your Say’ meeting is on Wednesday 26th October 2012 everyone is welcome.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue: Natalie Hayes said that all Fire Fighters have gone on to do their Safeguarding training; this will assist Merseyside Fire & Rescue to identify vulnerable people and be able to signpost them on if necessary.


Arson is down in Liscard, 65 schools are being educated in fire safety by Merseyside Fire & Rescue, Merseyside Police and Council Officers. Jim Thompson/Natalie made the Forum aware that ‘Operation Banger’ has a free phone number if residents see piled up wood, pallets etc, anything that can make a fire/bonfire then they should call this number and the team will com out and pick it up: 0800 731 5958.


Streetscene: Chris Jones told residents that Technical Services have a statutory obligation to maintain a safe standard of highway, so if anyone knows of any problems they must call 0151 606 2004. Residents to be assured that Technical Services are finalising gritting arrangements and will have 10 primary routes with officers on standby 24/7 over 21 weeks.



  • Cllr Mooney - Withens Lane has a very large hole which was previously been filled but has gradually got worse. Chris said he will take this back and make sure it is sorted.
  • Carole Thomas thanked Chris for sorting the blocked gutter by Bank but said the gutter by ASDA Liscard now needs clearing too. Chris said he will take this back to his team.
  • Residents suggested cars be made to park on certain sides of the road when street sweeping is taking place. In other Countries this works well having set dates and set sides of the road to allow the sweepers to do a proper job.


Older People’s Parliament: on Thursday 15th November 2012 there will be voting for the Police Commission for Merseyside.