Agenda item

Next Area Forum Meeting


Future Meetings will be advertised on the internet or alternatively contact Michelle Gray (0151 691 8213) for further information about future meetings.


Additional Information:





Project Details


Awarded a contribution of:


The Open Door Centre

To deliver Beating the Blues to 200 young people. Beating the Blues is the most results driven CCBT available and the recommended treatment for mild / moderate depression and anxiety in recent National Institute for Clinical Excellence guidelines. Young people who complete the course show distinct improvement in quality of life and prospects, The link between depression, alienation and drug use is well documented. Whilst we help young people to cope in the immediacy, the course also works in a preventative capacity to prevent the young person’s condition deteriorating further. Depression and anxiety are very common but there is a reluctance to access support, due to stigma. This reluctance is a key contributor to suicide being the biggest killer of men under 35 in the UK, our centre strives to directly address. Of our 54 service users who have completed or currently undertaking the program since opening 8 months ago over 40% have accessed no previous support, despite displaying long term symptoms. Young people see us as a more approachable, friendly and accessible avenue of support. There will be many thousands of secondary beneficiaries such as the friends, family and loved ones of a young person currently experiencing these issues.



Liscard & Egremont Partnership

The funding is for the printing of a newsletter. The newsletter provides information to the local community about events, issues in the area. The funding will provide for 5/6 editions of the news letter.



The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (The LGF)

Funding would enable us to run an awareness raising campaign targeting LGB people in the Wirral in order to raise awareness of: Legal rights, What hate crimes and incidents there are and how to report it, Where victims of hate can access relevant services to support their wellbeing. Following engagement with groups and organisations in the Wirral, we are aware that LGB communities within the area suffer from limited visibility, and our project would work to combat this.  We would distribute a number of support and information resources throughout each Wirral neighbourhood area, aiming to increase LGB people’s community safety through, Distribution of ‘Schools Packs’ providing tools for schools to tackle homophobic bullying, Distribution of a hate crime awareness raising poster campaign and information resource, Distribution of our ‘I Exist’ guide which contains information about legal rights and ways in which discrimination can be challenged. Development of a Neighbourhood level leaflet and poster containing information about local provision, ensuring that LGB people have access to relevant and LGB-affirmative support services. Outreach activity at relevant events (one in each area) to further raise awareness amongst mainstream service providers and the wider community.




Wirral Intensive Family Support Group

We are currently expanding our service user participation group and developing a volunteer service to assist families support. We are finding this difficult due to the complex and difficult needs of the families and would use funding to provide a mixture of fun events providing a chance for parents and children to support each other working with volunteers. Great facilities within the children’s centres will be utilised and the goal will be for our staff to train volunteers who in turn will train parents as “Mentors”. This will give a sense of worth, achievement and learning.

Within the programme we would like to invite specialist speakers as many of the families we would with have difficulty in accessing services or have a negative view of agencies, we would be working with the ASB team, area team leaders, schools, Parenting and Wirral Autistic Society, Police and other key agencies. We have a group of parents who are keen and willing and we are in the process of recruiting suitable volunteers. This is not a time limited event but funding will enable us to get it up and running and then volunteers and parents will look at further sustainable funding streams.




Wirral Joint Community Safety Team

To address anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and burglary etc in residential areas with the installation of alleygates, areas have been highlighted by local residents and elected members.  Funding will cover the installation of alleygates including consultation, installation and key distribution, all residents with an interest in the alleyway to be gated will directly benefit.  In addition there is a diffusion of benefit to the immediate area which was demonstrated by research conducted by Liverpool University.  So adjacent areas will also benefit from the installations of the gates.




New Brighton Junior Rugby

The funding is for the continued running of the junior rugby section at New Brighton. We require replacement balls and other protective equipment, on an annual basis we also have a training commitment for basic life support techniques and also to up skills for current coaches and ensure new coaches are at the required level demanded by the Rugby Football Union.  There is also a requirement for further appropriate training for coaches dependent on the age of the junior players, and an expectation that they take part in continued professional development this is to ensure that the young people are taught /coached the correct techniques so as to reduce injuries to themselves and others the courses are purchased through the governing body the RFU.




Memories Singing Group

Our volunteer musicians and singers come from across Wirral to perform for vulnerable and disabled people. Some do not have their own transport so rely on other volunteers for lifts. The volunteers help each other wherever possible. We give the car drivers a small amount of 'petrol money' every couple of months which, although not covering their costs, at least shows them that they are appreciated. I (Angela Fidgeon) set the group up and do all the organising. I also use my car to carry song books for singers and audiences and I collect between one and four other members however due to medical reasons I will have to give up driving.  I have spoken to HelpLink in Irby who provide volunteer drivers and who are willing to provide one or two dedicated drivers at a reasonable cost to collect me, the books and other members who need lifts. Both of the above are requested for funding for volunteer drivers in order to keep the group going.




The Friends of Wallasey Central Library

To continue the installation of C.C.T.V on the outside of the Library with forum funding we have already installed the first part of a C.C.T.V system to the Library. This system only covers a small part of the building. Due to the Libraries location half in the park, most of it is, out of general public view especially at night and the whole outer part of it needs to be secured. The Library has sustained a disturbing amount of vandalism, crime and drug and alcohol abuse related incidents in recent years the C.C.T.V would massively reduce this if completed. The first part of the system has proved this already. Local residents have already been surprised by the lack of activity in the area covered and Wirral Patrol echo this.




Stick ‘n’ Step

Stick ‘n’ Step is a local charity working exclusively with children with cerebral palsy and their families.  Cerebral palsy is a life limiting disability affecting 1 in every 400 children. It makes it difficult to walk, move and talk and many people need a carer to help them through life. But with the right help, life can be made much easier for both the disabled person and the carer. We want to take a small amount of money from each area forum and deliver a Wirral-wide project – the first of its kind in the UK. We want to support all 75 under 18 year olds on the Wirral with cerebral palsy. Specialist experts will visit 30 children in their homes and look at how they complete everyday tasks, such as eating breakfast, taking a shower and dressing themselves. They will then give them insight into new ways of doing things - working around the limits of their disability. We will give them a list of support agencies, suggest cheap equipment to make life easier for them, such as long handled hairbrushes. The overall aim is to make that person more independent and give precious time back to the carer.




Multiple Sclerosis Society

This funding will allow us to maintain the “Wirral Wellbeing for MS” initiatives started in 2010 with the aid of grants (now expired) via Community Foundation for Merseyside. In 2011 we won their prestigious “Health and Wellbeing” award for “having created an MS community in Wirral”. Currently our Core Exercise and Tai Chi classes (each with sessions dedicated to the seated and to the standing) are held at the Hope Centre in Pensby. They are currently attended by over 50 people each week and by about 120 different individuals since start-up almost 2yrs ago. Our surveys show how valuable these therapy sessions are in terms of fostering a MS community spirit and maintenance of base fitness levels. We now draw people from all post codes in Wirral, where we have 235 members in total. We see these therapy sessions as key to maintaining the Health and Wellbeing of the MS community in Wirral and giving back a sense of purpose to so many frustrated and constrained by their disability. These activities are also open to family, carers and friends of those affected by MS, non-members and those with closely related rare neurological conditions for which there is no local support.




The Royal Army Service Corps & Royal Corps of Transport, Birkenhead and Wirral Branch

The funding will be used to purchase four new 6x3m pop-up gazebo’s to replace two of the larger tents that we have, unfortunately they were damaged at our Garden Party that we held in July of this year, there are no spare parts available from any suppliers and we can not repair the damaged parts of the tents. What we hope to achieve, is to replace the tents so we can continue to hold our annual Garden Party next year and for many years to come, the new Gazebo’s are easier and less time consuming to erect, so we can erect them on the day of the event instead of the day before avoiding the possibility of them being damaged over night by winds when none of our members are there to tend to them.  Lots of people benefit, when we hold our Garden Party, we entertain most of our members and their families and friends from the local community with live music and BBQ food prepared by the Chefs at Chetwynd TA Centre this year we had as our special guest the Lord Mayor of Wirral, John Ellis and his Lady and their drivers, we also receive help from the Army and Air Training Corps cadets, they help the elderly in any way they can and also collect dish’s glasses and litter to keep the place tidy, we pay them a nominal fee and feed them for their help on the day.




Rampworx Youth Village 2000

To convert an empty warehouse in Seacombe into a 15,000 square foot indoor skatepark with office space and workshop rooms for development. Funding will pay to build the skatepark and we will pay to renovate the rest of the facility. The funding raised will come from each of the area forums. Each area will fund an amount based upon its proximity to the facility. Each area will be allocated a ‘matched’ amount of credit to use the skatepark through sessional passes, or coaching.  The facility will cater for: scooter, BMX, inline skating, skateboard. In addition, there will be facilities for workshops around sexual heath, drug and alcohol awareness, teenage pregnancy and healthy eating in partnership with agencies; including Wirral PCT, Police, Fire and Youth Service. The facility will also allow people to participate in accredited photography, video arts, fashion and multimedia courses. Achieve: offer a facility that is currently not provided for on the Wirral. Work with a range of local partners who provide expertise in their areas, such as Wirral CVS, police, fire, NHS, Youth Service and local schools. Transform and improve confidence, skills, health and education of 1500 people per year.




Wirral Festival of Music, Speech & Drama

Continuation to our festival first formed in 1946 to allow, both children and adults to perform in front of an audience, displaying their talents in music, play & acting etc.  All judged by our own adjudicators in a constructive manners and thereby increasing the enthusiasm of the competitor.




Falkland Road Organic Growers

To enable us to encourage others in the local community to join our gardening group, as some of our existing members have successfully gained employment.  Also, to extend a welcome to those in the community who are disabled and/or senior members.  We found there is a need for a seating area around the raised beds as some of our members have additional needs, some of our tools are not suitable for this group.  We would also aim to further enhance the aspect from the road by building a vertical structure to increase the visual appeal & planting area.




Wirral Safer Schools

We encourage pupils to give back to the community though projects like Duke of Edinburgh and Civic award. We have participated in the Tall Ships supporting young people to take part in life changing experiences. We target young people and monitor them during busy holiday periods which are a period of increased anti-social behaviour. We link in with other agencies and local neighbourhood policing teams. Our main aim is to help reduce crime and antisocial behaviour and fear of crime. We do group work which has seen positive outcomes looking at the dangers of alcohol and young people. The group completed a DVD which has been placed on social media sites and used as a tool to discourage young people from drinking. The diversionary activities are seen as hugely popular with the young people we work with and have often been seen to change and improve behaviour. We aim to provide a safe outlet for young people to learn about life and their community.




Friends of the Freedom Project

We provide training and support to women across Wirral who have or are suffering with the consequences of domestic violence. This is a free service and is offered 3 times a year as a rolling 12 week programme. The evening group is unique being the only one if it’s kind in Wirral.  Our reputation, dedication and passion demonstrates the success within our group, and the fact that we continue to receive referrals from many agencies including police, courts, social services and cross referrals from schools etc. Our programme is the longest running Freedom Programme in the Country: We always have good attendance and are well known within Borough of Wirral as a reliable resource. The reliability is important to what are often very vulnerable women with low self esteem and confidence, with the majority already experiencing their children being involved in Team Around the Child meetings because of Child Protection issues.




Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS)

IYSS Youth & Community Engagement Week: Is a package of intensive activity within an area/s directed by the Forum. This will take place over five days (including a Saturday) providing an enhanced service that would otherwise not be available and introduce some of the referral based Target Youth Support Services and their programmes to your communities/areas: Activity: An Environmental audit, Distribution of planters, bird boxes and mosaic art pieces, Workshops, advice and brief interventions on alcohol misuse, Gardening Sessions, Accredited training, High visibility  patrols, Repairs  to community furniture, A range of youth activities; art, crafts and sports, Advice for residents suffering from anti-social behaviour, Information drops, Resources, Reassurance Vehicle equipped with CCTV, Respct/Konntactbus, Resource packs for young people, Information and literature for communities, Accreditations for young people, Aims, Increase engagement of young people, Divert young people from crime and antisocial behaviour, Increase positive contribution of young people, Increase training and development opportunities for young people, Increase sign-posting into local services, Increase awareness of reporting mechanisms to communities in relation to antisocial behaviour, Increase community engagement/cohesion

