Agenda item

Budget Options: Families and Wellbeing

Appendix One:  Community Meals

Appendix Two: Assistive Technology

Appendix Three: Charging for Non Residential Services

Appendix Four: Residential and Respite Care

Appendix Five: Day Care and Day Services Transformation

Appendix Six: Support for Carers

Appendix Seven: Transport Policies

Appendix Eight: Youth and Play Services

Appendix Nine: Children’s Centres and Sure Start


A report by the Chief Executive documented progress made in relation to the implementation of the Council’s consultation programme “What Really Matters” which it had initiated at its meeting in June 2012.


The report presented budget options for the Cabinet’s recommendation to the Council. These options formed part of the strategic directorate of Families and Wellbeing, and as such fell under the management of the Department of Adult Social Services and the Children and Young People’s Department.


These options had been subject to comprehensive and robust public, staff, service user and partner consultation, the results of which had been reported to the Cabinet at its meeting on 7 February 2013 (Minute No. 184 refers).  The Cabinet was also referred to all reports and minutes relating to these budget options as referred to in Subject History.




(1)  the principles upon which the budget options have been developed be noted;


(2)  recommendations on which budget options should be accepted as savings be made to the Council, in the context of the Council being required to find savings of £109 million over the next three years.

Supporting documents: