Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

  • Library Update
  • Merseyside Fire and  Rescue Service
  • Police
  • Community Safety


Linda Hodgson (Library Service)


Following a council motion the library service is looking to work closer with the Neighbourhood Forums and Constituency Committees when they are formed.


The Library Service is constantly looking at expanding the service it offers to residents. Currently there is a lot of working going on with volunteers, a number of partners such as Reach Out and other organisations offering drop in advice sessions.


Q. Is the internet free for Heswall library users?

A. Linda Hodgson: It is free for the first 30 minutes and then there is a charge for internet use. Job seekers are allowed slightly more free time.


Q. Is there always a volunteer on site at the libraries?

A. Linda Hodgson: The library cannot always guarantee a volunteer to assist people. However all library staff are trained to give IT advice to library users.  


Ian Hardman (Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service)


Each fire station has its own community plan which is drawn up in partnership with other statutory organisations. There is also an over arching plan for the whole of Wirral.


The bonfire period was a success for the fire service with a 36% reduction in calls from the same period last year. All other statistics concerning the fire service have also decreased since last year including accidental dwelling fires, deliberate second fires and road traffic collisions.


Q. is it true that free smoke alarms for pensioners have stopped?

A. Ian Hardman: No, if the fire service are visiting a resident as a ‘re-visit’ and are in a low risk category there maybe a small charge. It is still free for someone if it’s the first visit or they are classed as a high risk.


A. Mick Blease: I ve had a number of calls from the fire service enquiring if I require a safety check and the prices charged are very good value for money.

Q. David Armstrong: The fire service are doing a tremendous job of working with young people and educating them around the dangers of driving at a young age. There are also 4 fire officers seconded to the Council’s Youth Service around this project.


Mick Blease:


The Police are engaging with Wirral Council on the new model for neighbourhood working. There are benefits for the police in doing this as it gives local Inspectors more of a say on how were police resources are directed in the community.


A huge amount of police work recently has saw a gang of 6 men from Birkenhead arrested for a number of thefts from property. Wirral is generally still a safe place to live.


Q. Mike Sullivan: There was a robbery at the Spar/Post Office on Irby Road recently. Is there an update on this?

A. Mick Blease: There have been no arrests yet but the police are following a number of leads. The criminals stole very little cash and we are studying CCTV images at the moment.


Q. Mark Johnson: There has been a decrease in anti social behaviour in the area. Can you give us a bit of information on what work is going on with young people?

A. Mick Blease: We try to engage with young people at an earlier stage and educate them on their behaviour and where it will lead to if they don’t change their lifestyle. This also means getting an understanding of family circumstances and offering advice and intervention where ever needed.


Mike Collins (Community Saftety)


Council buildings and property such as schools and libraries are often a target for criminals as they know they are empty of an evening.  If anyone sees people acting suspiciously around council buildings could they please call the Community Patrol Team on 0151 666 5265


At this time of year there is always an increase in the number of break-ins to sheds and garages. Over the past 12 months we have given over 200 tickets for dog fouling and 50 fixed penalties for littering.


Q. Andrew Hodson: Are people abusive when they are given a ticket?

A: Mike Collins: Generally we get more abuse when giving out tickets for dog fouling, although 98% of tickets are paid first time.


Q: Andrew Hodson: I ve been concerned for a while that there could be a fatality on the Wirral Way as some cyclists go as fast as they can and time themselves.

A. Mike Collins: It is an area that we have given attention to and this issue has caused problems.

Q. Philip Brightmore: Do the figures for the reduction in fires over the Bonfire period include the smaller fires put out by the Community Patrol Team?

A. Mike Collins: No, however the figures would be encouraging anyway because of the amount of partnership work between all statutory agencies.