Agenda item

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry

To receive a presentation from Dr Phil Jennings


The Committee considered a presentation from Dr Phil Jennings, Wirral CCG providing an update on the executive summary following the report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry.


Dr Jennings summarised the report and indicated that the CCG and other providers would be providing a response to the summary in due course.


The report detailed a list of key recommendations categorised under the following themes:


  • Accountability for implementation of the recommendations
  • Putting the patient first
  • Fundamental standards of behaviour
  • A common culture made real throughout  the system – an integrated hierarchy of standards of service
  • Responsibility for , and effectiveness of, healthcare standards
  • Responsibility for, and effectiveness of, regulating healthcare systems governance – Monitor healthcare systems regulatory functions
  • Responsibility for, and effectiveness of, regulating healthcare systems governance – Health and Safety Executive  functions in healthcare settings
  • Enhancement of the role of the role of supportive agencies
  • Effective complaints handling
  • Commissioning for Standards
  • Openness, transparency and candour
  • Nursing
  • Leadership
  • Professional regulation of fitness to practice
  • Caring for the elderly
  • Information
  • Coroners and Inquests


Dr Jennings indicated that it was clear from the report that as a new commissionaire the CCG would have responsibility to deliver and assistance from all partners would be essential.


Mr David Allison, Chief Executive, Wirral University Teaching Hospital indicated that the report raised many concerns which he had publicised throughout the hospital. He commented that all partners needed to work together to pick up on the recommendations made within the report to ensure that the incidents that had occurred wouldn’t happen again, whilst keeping customer care as the focus going forward. Mr Allison stressed the importance of valuing staff and listening to their views. In response to this he had spoken and consulted with over 700 staff members regarding their concerns and worries in relation to service delivery.



Ms Karen Prior, Healthwatch and Mrs Christine Beyga, Head of Delivery, Adult Social Services indicated that in relation to Healthwatch they had their processes in place and were working closely with the Trust. Ms Prior indicated that work on an internal review was currently being undertaken and she was meeting with managers to ensure Healthwatch was robust; there was also a standing protocol with the Health & Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee which they had hoped to resurrect.


Ms Diane Hill, co-opted member representing LINk indicated that LINk would be replaced by Healthwatch and from a LINk perspective they had been treated well by Healthwatch and had been able to put points across as co-opted members on the Board, LINk had been acting as a critical friend which had resulted in some excellent work undertaken and had seen some successes. 


Members welcomed the report and indicated that there had been failures in the basic level of care which the organisation failed to identify and indicated that the Leader of the Council had requested the Committee to look at this, to ensure there was no replication in Wirral, In response, Members suggested a task and finish group.


Mr Allison indicated that as a Committee, assurances were needed from the hospital, CQC and commissioning bodies as to what they are doing and what existing arrangements they have for assurances to ensure Wirral did not find themselves in the same situation as Mid Staffordshire.


In relation to the role of Healthwatch and inspections, Ms Prior indicated that Healthwatch would act as a critical friend to the hospital, visiting wards and reporting findings and providing evidence to the Trust to put things right. Healthwatch had the power to make recommendations and request reports to scrutinise which the hospital must provide and be received within 20 working days.  At this stage it was unclear as to what Healthwatch England would be doing to support Healthwatch locally, this could fall under the remit of the CQC.


In relation to who holds the hospital to account and how it tied in with the Committee, Dr Phil Jennings indicated that the CCG monitored the hospital on a regular basis based against quality measures. He indicated that there needed to be a mechanism for monitoring the stories coming out of the hospital and also any encounters anyone had regarding health care and for this to be forward onto the Commissioning Body. Mr Allison indicated that many organisations assess the hospitals capabilities, over 160 organisations, some of these were significant; others small.


The hospital was reviewed through a number of processes from peer reviews, commissionaire measures, and Healthwatch and the CQC also visited the hospital on annual basis and could also visit unannounced, the CQC observed practice and procedures and raised any concerns; and could effectively close down the hospital.


Mr Allison indicated that in relation to feedback following inspections, He produced an annual report in relation to progress made within the hospital and feedback following inspections undertaken by the CQC could obtained from their website, information published included feedback on patient safety, customer experience and clinical outcomes.


In relation to whistle blowing and possible consequences, Mr Allison indicated that he wanted a more open culture within the hospital to enable people to feel at ease and confident in reporting issues and concerns. He indicated that the hospital had a whistleblowing Policy and also a system of direct email straight to him to enable people to register their concerns; all complaints/comments registered were monitored and signed off directly on a daily basis and discussions were held with Directors regarding some of the responses received to achieve a positive and suitable outcome. A quarterly report was produced and circulated to the Management Team for analysis of key trends on the complaints received and also feedback forms received were evaluated to highlight specific issues.


Dr Jennings in response to comments reiterated that the CCG was committed to the NHS going forward and the importance of both primary care and GPs passing on information alongside the hospital.


In response to suggestions by Members, the Chair endorsed the setting up of a Task and Finish Group as requested by the Leader, comprising of Councillors Brighouse, Hornby, McLaughlin and Povall to ensure that the failures of care in Mid Staffs were not being replicated in Wirral.




(1)  the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust public enquiry report be noted; and


(2)  a Task and Finish Group be set up with Councillors Brighouse, Hornby, McLaughlin and Povall to ensure that the failures of care in Mid Staffs were not being replicated in Wirral.






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