Agenda item



Councillor S Niblock declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter (minute 1 refers) and left the meeting during its consideration.


Councillor I Williams declared a personal interest in this matter (minute 1 refers).


The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment reported upon the response received to the consultation that had taken place in respect of the designation of an area within New Ferry as being subject to a Designated Public Places Order.


The Licensing Manager outlined the report and advised that Councillor Niblock wished to address the Committee as Ward Councillor.


Sergeant Barrigan, Licensing Sergeant, Merseyside Police, attended the meeting and reported that the Police supported parts of New Ferry being subject to a Designated Public Places Order and was keen for this to be put in place as soon as possible as it would assist policing in the area.  Sergeant Barrigan advised that it would be a useful tool to help reduce alcohol related anti social behaviour and crime and disorder in the area.


Councillor Niblock advised Members that the local community were in support of the petition presented at Council regarding New Ferry being subject to a Designated Public Places Order.  He requested that Members consider and support the request for a Designated Public Places Order in New Ferry.  Councillor Niblock left the meeting during the consideration of this matter.


It was moved by Councillor J Salter and seconded by Councillor I Williams that -


“A Designated Public Places Order be put in place in respect of the area identified in Appendix 2 (page 31) of the report.”


Resolved - That a Designated Public Places Order be put in place in respect of the area identified in Appendix 2 (page 31) of the report.

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