Agenda item

Transformation and Resources Directorate Plan


The Strategic Director of Transformation and Resources, Joe Blott, presented the Directorate Plan for 2013/2014, which set out the Directorate’s areas of responsibility and demonstrated the crucial role that the Transformation and Resources Directorate played in ensuring the Council’s corporate centre both supported and drove transformational change across the organisation. In essence the department was responsible for the corporate health of the organisation.


The Directorate Plan also outlined the contribution to the delivery of the Corporate Plan priorities in place for the coming year; which were underpinned by consultation and engagement with the Council’s residents, partners and staff. The Directorate Plan highlighted those key objectives to be delivered in 2013/14, gave an analysis of the Directorate’s budget, risk management and of workforce monitoring.


Joe Blott introduced his Directorate Management Team which would be working closely with him in delivering the corporate plan priorities, and they then gave a presentation to the Committee highlighting the key objectives, projects and challenges in their particular areas.


The Chair then invited comments from the Committee. Responding to a comment on employee relations and ‘live’ cases, the Head of HR and Organisational Development stated that these referred to issues such as disciplinary, grievances, absence management and capability and she would be happy to provide a breakdown of the 239 cases to the Committee in writing. In respect of IT support, although the European Computer Driving Licence was still in existence, this level of training was not now offered to employees as most did not need that level of training for their roles. Discussions were ongoing as to what IT support would be offered to Members once the current Members’ IT Support officer had left his post.


The Strategic Director referring to the transformation projects, of which there were eight currently, would be a real opportunity for pre-scrutiny, as suggested by a Member. A Transformation Board was due to be established, to be chaired by Councillor Ann McLachlan with each project being led by a particular Cabinet Member and they could be invited to the Committee in respect of those projects relevant to this Committee.


The Head of Internal Audit, in response to comments, elaborated on the delivery of a Strategic Internal Audit Plan designed to conduct audits across all of the Council’s key risk areas. An online Audit Intranet client communication facility would improve processes and the replacement of the Audit Planning and Management System, at an approximate cost of £20,000 would also improve risk management. The Audit and Risk Management Committee did also receive a monthly risk management report. The Head of Financial Services stated that he would circulate the Risk Register scoring table to the Committee.


The Head of Business Processes stated that the Council had been allocated £917,000 for discretionary housing payments and that by the end of June, £300,000 had been paid out. A number of applications had been made in respect of under occupancy and it was anticipated that all the allocation would be spent. He was unaware of the extra £35m which the Government had announced that afternoon would be distributed to local authorities but a report on discretionary housing payments would be going to Cabinet. He also explained the term, ‘channel migration activity’ which involved moving people to online applications rather than face to face or by telephone.


The Strategic Director reported that the replacement of the SWIFT, social care case management system was currently out to tender and a report would be going to Cabinet in September. He also referred to the progress made with Freedom of Information requests, in that in 2012/13, 64% were completed within the 20 day timescale, the May, 2013 return was up to 81.12% and in the last month 86.8% of requests had been processed within time which now exceeded the national target.


The Chair thanked the Strategic Director and all the officers for their informative presentation and comments.


Resolved –


(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That Committee notes the improvement in the Freedom of Information requests being processed.

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