Agenda item

ICT Strategy


The Committee received the report of the Interim Head of ICT, and a presentation on the Council’s ICT Strategy and Strategic Implementation Plan. The report provided the Committee with an opportunity to undertake some pre-decision scrutiny in advance of the Strategy being submitted to Cabinet for approval. The ICT Strategy, appended to the report included sections giving an overview, the vision of the IT Service and Key Drivers. However, the main elements of the strategy were developed around providing overall ICT leadership across four key themes:


Transforming the Council

Core Business Systems


ICT Governance


An ICT Strategic Implementation Plan had been developed and was also appended to the report. This highlighted the key projects that delivered the ICT Strategy and prioritised these as well as highlighting the outcome being sought, the cost of the work, the associated savings and the key milestones of the work involved.


All aspects of the IT strategy were financially covered. The £675,000 pa refresh budget for all new equipment and software was available to IT and special capital budgets for the Swift replacement project had been made available. The refresh budget could be released when necessary to deliver more replacement hardware and software.


Responding to comments from Members, the Interim Head of ICT explained how the WRap2 system worked in connecting securely Council computers in Members’ homes to the Local Authority’s services. The Government had issued firm advice warning Council’s not to run software that couldn’t be secured, it had also warned recently against the use of personal devices to access Local Authority computer systems. With data now also been shared across services from the Departments of Adult Social Services and Children and Young People with partners in health there was a need to ensure security of the Council’s IT systems were as up to date as those in the National Health Service.


A Member suggested that as with other Councils, Members should be able to provide their own devices and access the Council’s email. The special software required for encryption could be put on Members’ own devices to ensure it met the Government’s security requirements.


In response to further comments, he elaborated on the improvements to be made in the event of future power loss, the backup available and the refresh budget for new equipment and software.


With regard to the Government’s recommendations on IT security requirements for Local Authorities, he agreed that it would be useful for Members to see this information. He was not aware of any Government grants to cover the increased IT security arrangements required.


He assured Members of the security of the WRap2 connection and would provide this assurance in writing. It was also confirmed that the broadband connection did not have to remain switched on and could be switched off.


A Member suggested the need to build into the strategy an acknowledgement of those members of the community who did not have access to the internet.


On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Glasman and incorporating the suggestion made by Councillor Johnston, it was –


Resolved –


(1)  In terms of the ICT governance proposals, it is recommended there is Member involvement in the proposed Senior Board, to be determined by Cabinet.


(2)  It is recommended that part of the Senior Board’s remit is horizon-scanning to identify new technologies that improve service quality and deliver efficiencies.


(3)  In terms of implementing the Strategy, it is recommended that a management dashboard approach is taken to monitoring performance and that this is reviewed by this committee.


(4)  An Equalities Impact Assessment is carried out.


(5)  It is recommended that the Strategy includes a statement recognising that there is a vulnerable section of the community with limited or no access to the internet and that the Council needs to remain mindful of this in seeking to engage with all residents.

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