Agenda item

09:10 Attainment for Academic Year 2012-13


S Talbot introduced a presentation on standards in Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2.


OFSTED Inspection highlights gave an overall positive picture with 86% primary, 68% secondary schools (including academies) and 92% of special schools are judged good or better.


Early Years and Foundation Stage results were outlined including analysis by district.  Areas for continuing development are pupils on free school meals (FSM) and looked after children (LAC).  The level of development of children is also a focus.  A priority is for children to get expected or accelerated levels of progress. Data is analysed at pupil and school level and support provided to schools and foundation teachers.


At Key Stage 1 there is an increase in attainment and narrowing of gender and FSM gaps. There is a focus on children eligible for FSM not achieving level 2+ to improve this outcome in the future. District results were outlined, all results are analysed at school level.


Future development includes targeted work at schools with FSM gap, focus on 2b+ and looked after children.


At Key Stage 2 there has been a steady increase over the last four years.  The FSM gap has increased in reading but narrowed in writing and maths.  The % of pupils making the expected 2 levels of progress in writing and maths has increased.


The areas for development include the FSM gap particularly in reading and LAC attainment and a focus on achieving two levels of progress.  Training and bespoke schools support is in place.  A tracking system is in place for LAC and challenge is being provided.


R Curtis asked about pre-school LAC.  Sue noted that some health visitors had identified speech and language issues and that help in children’s centre has been made available.


S Talbot now oversees Targeted Services school improvement and has supported the development of target services. The new structure will ensure greater links into transition between school phases.


S Dainty noted that the new approach will give an exciting shift in working between primary and secondary schools and schools were enthusiastic about the changes.


Councillor Clements asked about 2 year old funding and FSM wok.


Sue replied that we had 683 2 year olds at the moment in a pilot and further funding would develop this work further.


J Owens asked about the use of pupil premium and how it was monitoring schools.


Sue replied that the LA had a two pronged approach.  Review of published information and analysing what the money is spent on and evidence of the impact of this. Appropriate challenge can then be put in place.  J Owens noted that governors would like advice so that they can ensure this area can stay high on the agenda.


R Longster noted the additional funding schools received for LAC.  Sue replied progress officers are monitoring this linked to the school improvement team.


Councillor Smith noted that £14m pupil premium was in place in Wirral and was positive regarding the LA approach early good challenge and support.


Councillor Smith thanked S Talbot and the team for their work.


Resolved: The presentation was noted.