Agenda item

Developing Wirral West Constituency Priorities and Budget Expenditure Process for 2013/2014


The Constituency Manager presented the detailed report of the Head of Neighbourhoods and Engagement upon the development of the Wirral West Constituency Priorities and Budget Expenditure Process for 2013/2014.


She indicated that the Constituency Plan would draw upon robust data and would include issues highlighted by Members at a workshop held in July. It would also have regard to the results of engagement she had undertaken with local groups, Councillors, Council services and partners, to identify and explore issues for the Wirral West area.


At its meeting held on 23 May 2013 (minute 250 refers), the Cabinet had initially allocated £50,000 to each Constituency Committee to ‘kickstart’ work on the new working model with a focus on tackling inequalities. In addition (Cabinet minute 76 (10 October 2013) refers), a further £25,000 had been allocated to each Constituency for public health initiatives from a non-recurrent underspend identified within the public health grant for 2013/2015.


The Constituency Committee was therefore asked to determine expenditure in relation to a total of £75,000 by the end of the 2013/2014 financial year.


The Chair referred to his previous request that a Community Asset Audit be developed, which would help determine future priorities. However, he indicated that, although the funding to be allocated in 2013/2014 was not a huge sum, the Committee was being asked to allocate it in a very short timescale. Consequently, he proposed that for the allocation of funds in 2013/2014, consideration be given to holding a Constituency event, at which those local community groups seeking funding could put forward evidence-based bids. Funding could then be allocated following due consideration by the Committee.


In view of the need for funding in the current financial year to be allocated as quickly as possible, Members broadly agreed with the approach proposed by the Chair and noted that in subsequent years, funding would be allocated in accordance with the priorities, which would be identified in the Constituency Plan once this was in place. Members noted also that funding should be allocated equally (£75k/5 Wards) i.e. £15,000 per ward.


The Constituency Manager drew the attention of the Committee to a requirement that the element of the budget for public health initiatives was subject to certain criteria, which would need to be brought to the attention of local groups seeking funding.


Resolved –


(1)  That the considerations set out in the report of the Head of Neighbourhoods and Engagement be considered in the formulation of the Community Asset Audit and Constituency Plan, to be presented to the next meeting of the Committee to highlight need and priorities for funding in future years.


(2)  That, in view of the need for early progress to be made in the allocation of funding in the current financial year, the Constituency Manager be requested to liaise with Members to put in place an approach to allocate the Committee’s budget for 2013/2014, subject to good governance and to any relevant funding criteria.


(3)  That the allocation of funding in 2014/2015 and subsequent years be subject to an evidence based approach by the Committee, based on the Constituency Plan, currently being formulated.

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