Agenda item

Annual Report of Wirral Safeguarding Children Board



To present the annual report of the Wirral Safeguarding Children Board.


(Bernard Walker, WSCB Independent Chair)


The Board considered the report of the Director of Children’s Services detailing the Annual Report from the Wirral Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB) which is presented to the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council, the local police and crime commissioner and the Chair of the health and wellbeing board and is published on the website.


The report highlighted the structure, membership and functions of the multi-agency WSCB and detailed the progress against the agreed priority areas set for 2012/13 This included an assessment of the effectiveness of key WSCB functions including being assured that all organisations have given due regard to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, what lessons have been learned from Serious Case Reviews, the quality of WSCB training and how well allegations have been managed.


The priorities for the WSCB for 2013/14 were detailed in the Business Plan part of the report and seven priority areas had been set for the next 12 months:


·  Review, monitor and develop professional expertise in safeguarding   practice

·  Undertake Serious Case and Critical Incident Reviews and embed   learning from these;

·  Ensure the development of Early Help is quality assured to improve   impact and outcomes

·  Ensure children and young people continue to be safeguarded in light   of significant national reform and local changes

·  Develop and implement an action plan to tackle child sexual   exploitation

·  Continue to monitor and improve the functioning of the WSCB

·  Continue to strengthen joint working between the WSCB and SAPB   and develop common approaches to safeguarding.


Mr Bernard Walker, Independent Chair and David Robbins, Business Manager of the WSCB introduced the report and gave a brief presentation outlining the annual report and the business plan; statutory objectives and functions of the WSCB; safeguarding context for 2012/1 and the progress against priorities.


In response to questions raised, Mr Walker indicated that a business plan was developed which is monitored by the Board, and objectives met through a series of sub-groups with the executive group overseeing the work, all critical incidents were recorded and monitoring on a quarterly basis and rated, red, amber, green for action which is fed back to the Board.


In relation to priority two, these are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure priority is met; case audits are undertaken and officers are expected to attend appropriate training course, assurance was given that actions are undertaken. Ms Julia Hassall, Director of Children’s Services indicated that safeguarding is a huge issue will remain a high priority for her department and progress was ongoing to ensure safeguarding was safe.


Mr Walker indicated that in relation to reporting safeguarding concerns, this was a huge concern of the Board that needed to be tackled to ensure the public reported incidents. Further concerns had been raised regarding E-safety.


In relation to outstanding strategic risks, Mr Walker indicated that Departments need to learn from examples from the field for example, other Authorities and past failed cases and high profile cases.


In response to Members, Ms Hassall indicated that the number of children classed as Children in Need (CIN) within the Authority was higher than the national rate in some of the communities, to tackle this, the Department had developed a multi-agency preventative service which would be monitored by the Safeguarding Board.


Dr Abhi Mantgani, CCG, indicated that it was critical that appropriate training is given to support officers in dealing with safeguarding issues and that the CCG had a clinical lead for safeguarding with a view to appointing a second to support this process.


The Chair thanked Mr Walker and Mr Robbins and requested that the Board received regular updates from the WSCB on the key issues emerging.




(1)  the report be noted; and


(2)  Mr Walker and Mr Robbins be thanked for their presentation and requested to provide regular updates on the key issues emerging.



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