Agenda item

Wirral Improvement Board Review - Draft for Consultation

The Improvement Board Review Report is attached and the Strategic Director: Transformation and Resources will make a brief presentation.


Please note that the report contains a number of embedded documents, all of which are available on the Council’s website. The relevant web page is at


The Strategic Director – Transformation and Resources presented the Wirral Improvement Board Review report, which had been published for consultation prior to its consideration by the Board at its meeting to be held on 29 November 2013. The review report had been considered by the Co-ordinating Committee (minute 26 (13 November 2013) refers) and would also be the subject of a public meeting to be held on 15 November 2013. All of the views expressed would be taken into account by the Board, who were particularly interested in recommendations from the Audit and Risk Management Committee, which had been closely involved in the five key areas for improvement identified by the Improvement Board.


The Strategic Director gave a brief presentation on the key areas within the report and referred initially to comments from the Chair of the Board in relation to the significant improvements in Wirral in the 18 months since the Improvement Board came into existence. He outlined the priority areas that had been identified by the Board and highlighted what had been done to secure improvement in –


·  Leadership: Political and Managerial

·  Corporate Governance and Decision-Making

·  Corporate Plan

·  Budget and Financial Stability

·  Critical Service Areas: Safeguarding and Developing the Economy


The report recognised the still considerable challenges that lay ahead and indicated that Wirral was now a different place and had demonstrated an ability to manage some very challenging situations. That ability needed to be sustained and to grow and the Board would assess whether that was likely to happen.


Members commented that the significant improvements would not have been achieved without the considerable support from officers and the work of Members of all political groups, all against a backdrop of severe cuts in the Council’s funding, with fewer staff to help drive improvement. It was also noted that there had been a cultural shift towards being more open and transparent but it was key to recognise the work to be done to ensure that improvements were embedded within the organisation. In response to comments from Members, the Strategic Director confirmed that an employee survey was being undertaken by Ipsos Mori to evaluate the level of engagement and motivation staff attach to both the key priorities of the organisation and their opinion of the leadership of the Council. In addition, a survey scheduled for October 2013 was soon to be undertaken of elected Members to gather views to determine whether the revised meeting arrangements were fit for purpose or whether further amendments were required.


Members noted that for opposition groups to be effective, it was vital that structures were fit for purpose in order for officers and the Executive to be held to account. Views were also expressed that, although progress had been considerable, the distance travelled by the Council on its journey was open to interpretation. A Member expressed doubts as to whether, politically and strategically, the Council had demonstrated the ability to continue to improve and to meet the challenges that lay ahead. He suggested that the number of Freedom of Information requests received in Wirral was an indicator of how open and transparent the Council was. He expressed a view that major issues were still being covered up, which demonstrated that there had, in reality, been little change in the organisation’s ethos or culture.


In response to a comment from a Member, the Head of Legal and Member Services advised that the views expressed by the Committee would, along with the comments from the Co-ordinating Committee, be referred to the Improvement Board for consideration along with other responses to the consultation process.


On a motion by Councillor Glasman and seconded by Councillor Williamson, it was –


Resolved (8:1) –


(1)  That this Committee welcomes the report of the Improvement Board, which draws attention to the significant progress Wirral has made in the last 20 months.


It recognises that there are still issues which need to be addressed but believes it is clear that Wirral is now an outward looking Authority – open to constructive criticism and willing to address problems when they occur.


We would recommend the sector-led approach to change and development to other authorities who find themselves in difficulty.


(2)  That the thanks of the Committee be accorded to the Improvement Board, all staff and Members who have participated in the change process. It now remains for Members to continue to participate in their own development and not become complacent but ensure that change becomes embedded for the future.


(3)  That the recommendations contained within the Review report be endorsed and that, subject to clarification as to the ownership of the steps required to support continued improvement, all Members be encouraged to engage in the work required in those areas.

Supporting documents: