Agenda item

Health & Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan

The Committee is asked to note this item which had been previously considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board on Wednesday 13 November 2013.




The Committee considered a verbal update from Fiona Johnston, Director of Public Health and Head of Policy and Performance in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013/15.


Ms Johnstone indicated that following the Health & Social Care Act 2012, the Council took on a new duty to establish a Health & Wellbeing Board and produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Strategy sets out the overarching framework which described how the public, private and voluntary sectors will work with local residents to improve their health and wellbeing. The Strategy was not intended to replace existing commissioning plans rather it was aligned with them and was intended to support the commissioning of health, social care and wellbeing services.


It was a public document which could be accessed via


Three programme areas for shared action had been identified based on the findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, public and stakeholder consultation.


These priority programme areas were:


  Mental Health

  Older People



Separate workshops were facilitated on each of the three main areas with key stakeholders who set out a programme of activities to address the priorities. All stakeholders had provided their detailed action plans regarding each of the different programme headings for each area their action plans were monitored every quarter with exception reports presented to the Health & Wellbeing Board


The Strategy was an iterative document requiring continuous updating in the light of the developing partnership agenda in the borough. The Council was currently taking stock of delivery of the strategy and ensuring it was fit for purpose via 1:1 telephone interviews and a challenge session to test out the delivery plans, identifying good practice and determining areas that needed further development.


Ms Johnstone stressed the importance of this Committee working jointly with the Health and Wellbeing Board to shape the future of the strategy.


In relation to concerns raised by Members regarding the approach in tackling health and inequalities, Ms Johnstone indicated that health and social care would have relatively little impact on the gap but would assist in improvements to health. Income and education were major factors which contributed to tackling inequalities and would need addressing in any future planning.


Members welcomed a cohesive approach and welcomed the reported improvement in health outcomes.


In relation to support for people with mental health issues, the Committee welcomed the work undertaken and supported this being identified as a priority as they felt this was an important issue which needed to be addressed.


In response to a Member, Ms Val McGee, representing Cheshire and Wirral NHS Partnership Trust indicated that the Trust currently funded a piece of work to get those with mental health issues into employment and volunteer work within their local communities. However, a lot of work was needed to change the public’s perception of those with mental health issues.


Members raised concerns regarding young people with alcohol related issues, it was commented that more outreach work was needed to target young people in the community and not just those admitted to hospital.In response Ms Johnstone indicated that a lot of work was being undertaken to support young people and raise the awareness of the dangers of alcohol within schools and through the Children’s Trust incorporating drug abuse. Further work was ongoing to raise further awareness. It was recognised that peer pressure, minimum pricing and access were huge factors in alcohol and drug related issues, access being a huge issue and not an easy task to resolve. 


In relation to the priority programme areas chosen, Ms Johnstone indicated that these were selected following the outcomes of various consultations and discussions held; consultation with the health services as to what their concerns were would and looked at what the population look like in the future. A range of evidence was collated and the three areas were chosen due to their importance to the community.




(1)  Ms Johnstone be thanked for her informative presentation; and


(2)  The Chair and Spokespersons to meet with the Director of Public Health/Head of Policy and Performance to discuss how the Families and Wellbeing Committee could link into the Health and Wellbeing Board to assist with the progress of the Strategy going forward.




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