Agenda item

Merseyside Police Engagement and Operational Arrangements for Wirral West


Further to minute 9 (30 October 2013), the Constituency Manager reported that, as part of the new approach to neighbourhood working, the Council was working closely with partners to look at where operational boundaries could be aligned with the Constituency footprint. Merseyside Police had already reorganised their management and operation structure around the constituencies and the Wirral West Neighbourhood Policing team for Wirral West was based at Upton Police Station.


The Constituency Manager reported that it was the intention of the Police that their ‘Have Your Say’ public engagement meetings, previously held in each ward on a monthly basis, would in future be undertaken quarterly, on a Constituency basis. The views of Members were sought as to whether the Public Question Time element of the Constituency Committee should therefore incorporate ‘Have Your Say’, to cover policing priorities and issues and to enable a short update on crime and disorder in the constituency from the Neighbourhood Inspector. The Committee was asked to note that, as a Constituency Plan was developed, the need for joined up priority setting to address issues for Wirral West across partner agencies would be critical. Joined up engagement with the public at the Constituency Committee and through other mechanisms would support this.


Members expressed the view that the Constituency Committee seemed to be an appropriate meeting for updates from Merseyside Police to be considered and for the Committee and members of the public to be able to ask questions on policing priorities and crime and disorder. However, it was important that the focus of the Committee should be on Constituency matters and that the Question Time part of the meeting should be primarily for questions to be raised on local issues affecting the community. Members expected also that, as part of joined up community engagement, the Police would be able to attend ward meetings that became necessary to address local ward issues. Inspector Brian Griffiths (Neighbourhood Inspector for Wirral West) indicated that the Police would be willing to attend ward meetings to address local issues, subject to the availability of officers in the Neighbourhood Team.


Consideration was given to problems associated with vehicles parking on pavements and Inspector Griffiths outlined the actions that could be taken to address the problem. Letters could be placed on windscreens in order to educate motorists of the dangers associated with parking on pavements or verges, although for clear cases of obstruction, a fixed penalty ticket would be more appropriate. Productive meetings had been held with the Council’s Road Safety Team and targeted work had been carried out in the vicinity of schools. A member referred specifically to work undertaken with schools in Upton ward and he indicated that the focus of any policy to improve safety should be prevention.


Resolved –


(1)  That the policing operational arrangements be noted.


(2)  That an update be presented to the next meeting upon the continued development of joined up mechanisms for community engagement and further consideration be given specifically to the format and structure of future meetings in relation to contributions from Merseyside Police


(3)  That this Constituency Committee recommends that the existing policy in relation to vehicles parking on pavements and verges should be enforced.

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