Agenda item



Councillor G Watt declared a non pecuniary interest in this matter (see minute 16 above).


The Principal Electoral Services Officer (on behalf of the Chief Executive) provided details of the review undertaken in relation to the current polling districts and places within the Borough and sought approval of suitable alternatives and changes as set out within the report.


The Electoral Administration Act 2006 introduced a duty on all local authorities to review polling districts and places within their boundaries every four years.  This was amended by the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 which provided that there must be a review of all ‘polling districts’ and ‘polling places’ within each ‘compulsory period’ which is defined as the period of 16 months beginning with 1 October 2013 and the period of 16 months beginning with 1 October of every fifth year after that.


This provision was to align polling district and polling place reviews with the 5 year fixed term Parliaments and UK Parliamentary boundary reviews, however there was nothing in the Act to prevent the Council carrying out an earlier review of some or all of its polling districts or places.


In practice, the Council constantly keeps polling places and stations under review.


The purpose of the review was to principally ensure that:


  • all electors in the constituency have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances;


  • so far as reasonable and practicable, the polling districts places and stations are accessible to all electors, including those who are disabled and when considering the designation of a polling place to have regard to the accessibility needs of disabled persons; and


  • where there is no fully accessible building conveniently located for the Electors in an area, where it is necessary to use a place where the access is not ideal then every reasonable adjustment must be undertaken to provide access for all Electors.


Members considered and determined each proposal separately.


1.  Heswall Ward


District RD


The Acting Returning Officer advised that concerns persisted regarding parking facilities in the area of the current polling place at St Peter’s Centre, however the Centre was considered a very suitable venue with good disabled access and facilities and two elections had been successfully administered at this venue.


Resolved - That the status quo should continue.


2.  Leasowe and Moreton East Ward


District TC


The Acting Returning Officer advised that the current venue of Eastway Primary School Children’s Centre was a very suitable venue with good disabled access and facilities and that this remained the best option for a polling place within the polling district.


Resolved - That the status quo should continue.


3.  Moreton West & Saughall Massie Ward


District YC


The Acting Returning Officer advised that the current polling place was Foxfields School but that this may be sold for redevelopment in the future, however, this was not anticipated to happen until late 2014 if at all.


Resolved - That the status quo should continue for the Combined European Parliamentary and Local Government elections to be held on 22 May 2014 but that this be reviewed for future elections.


4.  Pensby & Thingwall Ward


District FE


The Acting Returning Officer reported that consideration had been given to whether the venue of Christ Church Hall remained the best option for a polling place within the polling district following observations made by a candidate in the Local Elections regarding the visibility of the access from Barnston Road.


Resolved – That the status quo should continue.


5.  Seacombe Ward


Districts SB and SD


The Acting Returning Officer circulated a map and recommended that the proposals outlined within the report be agreed.


Resolved – That the proposal be agreed.


6.  Wallasey Ward


District VB


The Acting Returning Officer advised that some difficulties had been experienced at the current polling place however New Brighton Children’s Centre had been built on an adjacent site and that this was considered a very suitable venue with good disabled access and facilities.


Resolved (Councillor I Lewis abstaining) -


(1)  That the polling place for district VB be changed to New Brighton Children’s Centre.


(2)  That the Multi Function Room be designated as the polling station.


7.  West Kirby and Thurstaston Ward


Districts QA and QE


The Acting Returning Officer circulated a map and recommended that the proposals outlined within the report be agreed.


Members were advised that a Council Member had requested that Electors registered in polling district QA be moved into polling district QE.  The proposal was aimed to assist Electors and would not have a significant impact on the number of Electors in each polling district.


Resolved – That the boundary between QA and QE be adjusted in accordance with the proposal outlined within the report.


District QC


The Acting Returning Officer advised that a Council Member had requested to use the recently completed St Bridget’s Centre as an alternative venue for polling district QC.


Members were advised that the proposed alternative venue would offer reasonable facilities for voting and would be accessible to all electors but there would be a charge which had not yet been determined.


Councillor Watt distributed a map of the location and photographs of St Bridget’s Centre and informed Members that residents had requested that the polling place to be moved to the new facility.


Members discussed the cost implications regarding the proposed changes and the difficulties experienced by the school as the current polling place.


It was moved by Councillor Watt and seconded by Councillor Hornby that –


“The polling place for district QC be changed to St Bridget’s Centre for the forthcoming election subject to the cost incurred being no more than £300.”


The motion was put and lost (4:5).


It was then moved by Councillor S Niblock, seconded by Councillor P Glasman and


Resolved (9:0) - That the status quo should continue for the Combined European Parliamentary and Local Government elections to be held on 22 May 2014 but that this be reviewed for future elections.


Supporting documents: