Agenda item

Corporate Plan Performance Report

Report of the Director of Public Health/Head of Policy & Performance.


A Report by the Director of Public Health/Head of Policy and Performance updated Members of the Committee on the current performance of the Council ( as at 30th November 2013) against the delivery of the Corporate Plan for 2013/14. Appended to the report was the Corporate Plan Performance, Finance and Risk Report demonstrating overall status of actions across departments.


The Head of Commissioning, Performance and Business Intelligence identified to Members that items 7 and 17 on the Corporate Performance Plan have progressed to Green Status, both of which had previously been red.


The Head of Commissioning, Performance and Business Intelligence then informed Members that an error had been identified on the Corporate Plan Statistical Report. He advised that he would arrange for Members to receive the correct version electronically following the meeting.


Members were then advised that Performance Reviews would be made available on the website on a monthly basis.


Members proceeded to discuss items on the Plan that had a ‘red’ status.


The Director of Adult Social Services addressed the Committee and referred to item 4 on the plan entitled ‘permanent admissions of older people ( aged 65 and over) to residential and nursing care homes, per 100, 000 population’. Members heard that placement to care home levels have started to reduce since July 2013 with the exception of October. The Performance Action Template set out the focus of activity to improve performance including: maximising community based options, focus on promoting independence and current commissioning activity that will deliver more capacity and a greater range of domiciliary care. It was stated that the issue will remain a ‘red’ indicator for the foreseeable future due to the complexity of the situation..


A Member reinforced the complexity of the issue and advised that this area is being examined through a task and finish group.


A Member queried the reasoning behind the drop in admissions in June 2013.


The Director of Adult Social Services informed Members that levels tend to vary considerably and drew Members attention to the relatively small scale of the graph.


A Member sought clarification on the process of ‘placing’ an individual.


The Director of Adult Social Services explained that legislation introducing detailed but a time consuming process. From an NHS perspective an assessment is undertaken as to whether clinical support is needed. Members heard that the decision is based upon individual needs.


A Member stated that it is a reasonable assumption that the NHS focus on discharging people from hospital and asked what assumptions can be made for Adult Social Services for next year?


The Director of Adult Social Services stated that investments should be made in cultural change. Members heard that there will continue to be challenges in forthcoming years.


A Member sought clarification on the assessment process and queried whether this was undertaken by telephone or through visiting the individual involved.


It was explained that other than hospital referrals all people referred will be visited by a Social Worker in their own home. Initial referrals are through the Council’s Central Advice and Duty Team, a risk assessment is then conducted to decipher whether the matter is a safeguarding issue. The CADT referral will involve a conversation with the individual involved.


A Member requested figures be provided for outstanding costs owed to the Council.


The Director of Adult Social Services informed Members that he did not have the information at that present time but he would circulate to Members after this meeting


The Head of Financial Services addressed the Committee in relation to item 16 on the Corporate Plan Performance entitled ‘Adult Care Packages’ supported by Direct Debit. Members were advised that this target will be reviewed by the end of the year.




That the Committee utilises the information contained in the report to inform its future work plan.


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