Agenda item

Public Health Annual Report 2012/13


The Committee considered a verbal report and presentation from the Director of Public Health, in relation to the Annual report focusing on Social Isolation.


The report focused on those for whom social isolation had a long-lasting and potentially more damaging impact. Ms Johnstone indicated that social isolation was a significant problem within our society and one that we should all be concerned about. Whilst most of us were fortunate enough to have family, friends and neighbours to provide us with a reliable social network, there are some for whom regular social interaction was non-existent.


The report highlighted that changing patterns within our society e.g. older people living longer without adequate support, the financial impacts of recession, and vulnerable groups within society and not having access to appropriate services or support mechanisms, all created the conditions for feeling cut off from society.


The report outlined, that being socially isolated could lead to a wide variety of health and social care issues and simply cannot afford to be ignored if we were to continue to avoid extra pressures on our already stretched services, address the needs of the most vulnerable within our society and generally keep people healthy and happy.


Ms Johnstone indicated that in Wirral, there were some very good examples of initiatives, notably within the voluntary and community sector, which attempt to build, draw on or maintain social networks at all levels.


Wirral’s statutory health and social care services played a vital part in ensuring that vulnerable people got the support they need. The Authority needed to look to alternative ways of reaching and supporting those within our local communities that are socially isolated, as part of building resilience within communities, taking time to know our neighbours, and being prepared to reach out where there is need.


The report indicated that there was now a firm commitment to tackling social isolation, both at a national and local level. The ‘Care and Support’ white paper, which sets out the government’s vision for social care, clearly sets out the aim of tackling loneliness and social isolation, supporting people to remain connected to their communities, friends and family. With the inclusion of a new indictor for social isolation within both the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework and the Public Health Outcomes Framework, local councils will now be judged on how well they perform in this area. We as a Board have also committed to address this issue through the strategy and the specific objectives to tackle social isolation within older people and people with mental health problems.


The report reinforces the view that the responsibility for tackling this important issue lies with all of us and we can each play a part.



Members congratulated Ms Johnstone on the report which they felt addressed a very important issue which they could all contribute to.


A Member suggested that befriending groups could be further developed to alleviate some aspects of social isolation and commented that our voluntary sector partners had a huge part to play in this. In response, Ms Johnstone indicated that a session was being held in March 2014 with the voluntary sector to look at this.


A Member raised concern regarding the Deaf Society in Birkenhead which had very limited opening times and was being underutilised. Ms Johnstone agreed to look into this issue and contact the Member direct.


A Member commented that social isolation was a major concern which may result in a safeguarding issue if not tackled as a matter of urgency and the Wirral was seeing a reduction in places where people go to interact. All organisations should be working together on this.


In response to a Member, Ms Johnstone indicated that she would provide a briefing note to Members explaining how social isolation could lead to dementia.


Ms McGee indicated that in relation to reference in the report which indicated that social isolation could lead to dementia, CWP were using the report to see what help, if any could be provided to the Authority. Ms McGee stressed the importance of including carers who also suffer social isolation.


Ms McGee indicated that the CWP were using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model for shaping the mental health service, which had assisted officers to understand the opportunities within the community.   


A Member commented that they felt that Constituency Committees were crucial in tackling social isolation and suggested that as with other authorities, staff be encouraged to become ‘befrienders’. It was further suggested that an advertising campaign be undertaken to highlight the issue of social isolation.


It was commented that there was a need to engage local community groups and community champions to help identify those ‘hard to reach’ people in the community.


Ms Johnstone thanked Members for their support and suggestions.




That the Director of Public Health and her team be congratulated on their excellent work regarding the annual report.



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