Agenda item

Constituency Committee Priorities and Spend Update (Councillor Phil Gilchrist)

To receive an update on the progress made by the ‘Priority Task and Finish Group’.


Further to Minute No. 12 of the last meeting of the Committee held on 18 December 2013, a report by the Wirral South Constituency Manager set out the progress made in relation to priorities and processes regarding the Committee’s budget for 2013/14.


The Constituency Manager reported that since the Committee’s last meeting, the allocation of funding from Public Health had increased. On 10 December 2013 the Director of Public Health had presented a report to the Cabinet recommending a further £100,000 be “...administered through the Constituency Committees” aimed at supporting the voluntary sector in Wirral (Cabinet Minute No. 120 refers).


Consequently, the Committee was now responsible for administering the original £25,000 provided by Public Health and the further £25,000 ‘Voluntary Sector Support Fund’ as well as the kick start grant of £50,000 provided by the Council.  A full breakdown of the Committee’s allocated budget of £100,000 was set out at Appendix 1 to the report.


Members were informed that the ‘Priority Setting’ Task and Finish Group had met for the second time on 30 January 2014 and had discussed the new allocation (Voluntary Sector Support Fund) at length.  The criteria for the Fund stated that a transparent funding exercise be administered (by the Constituency Committees) to consider requests of up to £3,000 from the voluntary Sector only.  The Group had proposed that the originally allocated £25,000 from Public Health could also be rolled into the allocation process outlined in the report.  This £25,000 would not simply be available to the voluntary sector.  It was also proposed that this element of the funding would also carry a cap of £3,000 to encourage a wide ranging cohort of applicants, covering as much of the Wirral South Constituency footprint as possible.


The Committee was informed that in depth documents detailing the mechanics of the £50,000 total grants programme would be presented to all Wirral South Members in March 2014 for approval (e.g. application form, terms and conditions).  All successful applicants would need to clearly demonstrate how their project contributed towards the achievement of indicators from the Department of Health’s Public Health outcomes framework which was set out at Appendix 2 to the report.


The ‘Priority Setting’ Task and Finish Group had highlighted the importance of mobilising interest in any such grants programme.  It had been agreed that a drop in/workshops would be held in each ward throughout the application process. These sessions would not only offer practical help with completing application forms but would serve as a forum for any unanswered questions groups and individuals may have.


It was hoped that if recommendations set out in the report were agreed the grants programme could be released on 1 April 2014.  Following the completion of a five week application window the requests received would then be assessed and decisions made on funding allocation.  All Members would be invited to the assessment session (mid May).  Successful applicants could then be informed and proposed projects announced at the first Committee meeting of 2014/15 Municipal Year (25 June 2014).


Members noted that if all applicants were given nine months to spend their allocation then a full programme review could be presented to the final Constituency Committee of 2014/15.  This review would clearly demonstrate the impact that the funded projects had on the objectives highlighted in Appendix 2.




(1)  the progress made in relation to the allocation and spend of the previously agreed £10,000 per ward be noted;


(2)  the proposal of the ‘Priority Setting’ Task and Finish Group to carry out a grants programme, administering a total of £50,000 contributing towards the achievement of indicators from the Department of Health’s Public Health Outcomes Framework at Appendix 2 to the report be agreed;


(3)  the grants programme be launched on 1 April 2014 and the principles agreed by the Task and Finish Group, aimed at ensuring the broadest geographical and social spread of the funding, be approved; and


(4)  following a five week application window the ‘Priority Setting’ Task and Finish Group be requested to meet again and invite all Wirral South Members to attend to assess all applications received.

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