Agenda item

Motion - The European Union - #WhyIamIN


Proposed by Councillor Stuart Kelly

Seconded by Councillor Phil Gilchrist


That this Council notes:

·  the #WhyIamIN social media campaign supporting membership of the European Union which was launched by the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP;

·  that the campaign gained support from Sir Richard Branson, among others, who commented “It should go without saying that being a part of the European Union is better for all countries involved

·  that Michael Sherwood, co-chief executive of Goldman Sachs International has said that, in the event Britain leaves the EU "In all likelihood we would transfer a substantial part of our European business from London to a eurozone location” and Stephen Odell, chief executive of Ford in Europe stated that withdrawal "would be devastating for the UK economy.”;

·  a recent CBI poll found that nearly 80% of UK businesses supported membership.


Council believes that remaining part of the European Union is vital to the long term security of Wirral and LCR businesses and to building a strong local economy.


Council endorses the sentiment expressed by Frank Field MP that “Our aim should be to change the EU. And change it by staying in”.


Council, therefore, calls upon local businesses, public sector organisations and political parties represented on this Council to highlight the importance of remaining within the European Union in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament elections.


Two amendments which had been circulated in advance of the meeting were submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:


First Amendment –


Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies

Seconded by Councillor Pat Hackett


Add the following:


‘Council recognises that one of the key benefits of EU membership for regions such as Merseyside has been access to European structural funding which has contributed to a number of important regeneration projects in Wirral and Merseyside over several years.


Council believes that the Government’s decision to propose a cut of 65% in Merseyside’s EU funding allocation for the new programme (2014-20) to be unfair and unjustifiable given the level of economic and social need in this region.


Council notes that the Judicial Review brought by the Local Enterprise Partnerships representing South Yorkshire and Merseyside resulted in the High Court deciding on the 7th February 2014 that the Government’s allocations of funding within the UK (particularly with reference to Merseyside and South Yorkshire) were unlawful. Council further notes that the Court therefore decided to quash the Government’s original decisions on the allocation of EU funds to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and LEPs within England and refer them back to the Secretary of State for reconsideration.


The High Court judgement requires the Government to take a fresh decision on EU funding allocations within the UK, having regard to the public sector equality duty. Council therefore urges the Government to use this opportunity to reverse the massive and clearly unjustified cut in its proposed allocation of EU funding to Merseyside for the new programme and thereby enable us to continue to tackle our economic challenges.’


Second Amendment –


Proposed by Councillor Adam Sykes

Seconded by Councillor Geoffrey Watt


Delete the four bullet points and insert the following:


·  That by being a Member State of the European Union the United Kingdom is part of the world’s largest single market – an economic zone larger than that of the USA and Japan combined with a total GDP of around £11 trillion.

·  This single market of 500 million people provides a relatively level playing for British business to trade in. This enables not just free trade in terms of the absence of customs duties or tariffs but a common set of rules so that business does not have to comply with 27 different sets of regulations.

·  A recent CBI poll found that nearly 80% of UK businesses supported membership.


Delete paragraph 2 “Council believes that…..”


At the end of original paragraph 3 add – “However, we should be able to recognise if change that the UK requires isn’t forthcoming; the UK electorate should have their say on the future involvement of the UK in the EU via a referendum.


Within original paragraph 4 replace all after “on this Council to” with “engage in dialogue over the future of the UK’s involvement within the European Union.”


Councillor Stuart Kelly stated that he was prepared to accept the first amendment, moved by Councillor Phil Davies


Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate this matter.


The second amendment, moved by Councillor Adam Sykes, was put and lost (19:42)


The motion, incorporating the first amendment, moved by Councillor Phil Davies, was put and carried (42:19) (One abstention)


Resolved (42:19) (One abstention) –


That this Council notes:

·  the #WhyIamIN social media campaign supporting membership of the European Union which was launched by the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP;

·  that the campaign gained support from Sir Richard Branson, among others, who commented “It should go without saying that being a part of the European Union is better for all countries involved

·  that Michael Sherwood, co-chief executive of Goldman Sachs International has said that, in the event Britain leaves the EU "In all likelihood we would transfer a substantial part of our European business from London to a eurozone location” and Stephen Odell, chief executive of Ford in Europe stated that withdrawal "would be devastating for the UK economy.”;

·  a recent CBI poll found that nearly 80% of UK businesses supported membership.


Council believes that remaining part of the European Union is vital to the long term security of Wirral and LCR businesses and to building a strong local economy.


Council endorses the sentiment expressed by Frank Field MP that “Our aim should be to change the EU. And change it by staying in”.


Council, therefore, calls upon local businesses, public sector organisations and political parties represented on this Council to highlight the importance of remaining within the European Union in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament elections.


Council recognises that one of the key benefits of EU membership for regions such as Merseyside has been access to European structural funding which has contributed to a number of important regeneration projects in Wirral and Merseyside over several years.


Council believes that the Government’s decision to propose a cut of 65% in Merseyside’s EU funding allocation for the new programme (2014-20) to be unfair and unjustifiable given the level of economic and social need in this region.


Council notes that the Judicial Review brought by the Local Enterprise Partnerships representing South Yorkshire and Merseyside resulted in the High Court deciding on the 7th February 2014 that the Government’s allocations of funding within the UK (particularly with reference to Merseyside and South Yorkshire) were unlawful. Council further notes that the Court therefore decided to quash the Government’s original decisions on the allocation of EU funds to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and LEPs within England and refer them back to the Secretary of State for reconsideration.


The High Court judgement requires the Government to take a fresh decision on EU funding allocations within the UK, having regard to the public sector equality duty. Council therefore urges the Government to use this opportunity to reverse the massive and clearly unjustified cut in its proposed allocation of EU funding to Merseyside for the new programme and thereby enable us to continue to tackle our economic challenges.