Agenda item

09:00 Apologies and Introductions



Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 18 March 2014



Councillor T Smith (Chair), Councillor W Clements, J Hassall,

P Sheridan, S Dainty, K Podmore, G Price, M Kilcoyne, B Morgan, K Coxhead,

V Harrison, L. Loughran, I. Batman, B. Walker, J. Graham, R. Longster.


In Attendance:

N Clarkson, S. Blevins, C. Druker and Peer Educators, K. Lloyd, T. Woodhouse.



Cllr Smith welcomed the members and noted apologies had been received from Cllr C Meaden, J. Webster. D. Gornik, J. Martin, L. Davidson, T. Little.


J. Hassall informed members that due to service reviews currently being undertaken has resulted in members of staff not being able to attend to present reports as originally arranged.  These service reviews are a priority across all directorates and will identify savings but the exercise will also need to ensure services are delivered in line with the Corporate Plan and the vision of the future council.


Cllr Smith also took the opportunity to introduce and welcome Bernard Walker, Chair of WSCB.


2.0  Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest registered.



The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting.


Action no. 5 (21 January 2014 Board meeting)

All members to submit details of OD link person to T. Woodhouse (outstanding)


Action no. 8 (21 January 2014)

IFIP update (to include case studies) to be submitted to the July Board)


Action no. 6 (19 November Board meeting).

D. Gornik and K. Coxhead to submit a report on parenting courses (to include funding sources) to the March Board (on the agenda for this meeting).


Action no. 11 (19 November Board meeting).

D. Gornik to submit an update on Targeted Services to a future Board meeting (on the agenda for this meeting).


All other actions had been completed.



The Board received a presentation and report on the Children’s workforce strategy from Sue Blevins which outlined the progress towards delivering the 3-year strategy and the development of a 1-year action plan which focuses on the key deliverables for the groups over the next 12 months and progress to date.


The presentation covered the launch of the learning and development event which is planned for 9 May in Acre Lane.  This event would be held in conjunction with members of the Children’s Trust, and Wirral Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB) and Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAPB).


S. Blevins went on to outline the aims and objectives of the briefing session being for managers to:

  • understand their role in the value of learning and development in improved outcomes for individuals in the community
  • realise the full potential of the SAPB/WSCB and CT workforce development strategies.
  • embed learning and development outcomes in the workplace
  • support staff in their own development
  • assess competency of staff and risks associated with staff not being fully equipped to undertake their job role.

Also to:

  • launch the competency framework and training needs analysis.


Cllr Smith urged all members to convey this important message to managers and staff as it is in times of change that skills and knowledge can be lost and therefore makes learning and development all the more important.


P. Sheridan enquired who would be the target audience in schools with regard to this event.  He was advised that it would be aimed at head teachers/safeguarding leads or whoever was responsible for the children’s workforce.  Attendance at the event would also contribute to continued professional development.


S. Blevins went on to describe the e-learning tool which would also be made available if it was found that competency was lacking in some areas.  This web based tool is widely used and best practice from other authorities can be shared and used as appropriate.  It was also advised that this training would enhance the existing designated teacher programme.


Cllr Smith suggested that this topic would be an appropriate yearly agenda item at each school governors’ meeting.


It was resolved that:

The Board endorsed the report and approved the recommendations.




J. Hassall took the opportunity to remind the members of the national position and the current position in Wirral with regard to the demands on Children’s Services.  Nationally the ‘pyramid’ of services shows the largest number of children accessing universal services, with the next level being access to targeted services and the top layer covers the specialist vulnerable statemented group.  However, in Wirral we have a higher number of children in the specialist areas including 20% more statemented children than the national average and high numbers of Looked After Children.


On the appointment of the Head of Targeted Services a review of the service had taken place against a backdrop of budgetary cuts.  A multi-agency prevention group has been proposed which reports to the Children’s Trust.  A multi-agency task and finish event has also been arranged for 1 May.  The Chief Executive of Wirral Council will open this event and Cllr Tony Smith and other senior partners will also be in attendance. The aim of the event is for all partners to sign up to a pledge endorsing the approach and for members to work together to manage demand.  The outcome for children and their families is for them to lead fulfilling lives, to live in local communities and to have support.  This will hopefully enable families to stay together and help to meet the regional strategy which was launched in April last year.  It will also be used as the basis for developing and shaping the local strategy which is currently in development.  It is also planned to work with the localities following the event in May.


Cllr Smith thanked J. Hassall for the update and encouraged all to engage with the important Early Help event on 1 May 2014.


It was resolved that:

The Board agreed to ensure partner organisations engagement in the event.




Kath Lloyd updated the members by advising that in the wake of the review of targeted services a number of areas of work have been brought together in order to develop a more integrated service designed on community need. The key is supporting families and not individual children and to co-ordinate the approach of professionals.


Work is underway to map the parenting service. A multi-agency group has met to refresh the Parenting Strategy and a draft will be submitted to the Board at a future meeting. The Parenting Steering Group is being reviewed to ensure appropriate membership. 


A training gap around evidence based programmes has been identified and an offer of help from I. Batman was registered.


Cllr Smith thanked K. Lloyd for the update.


It was resolved that:

A draft report on the new strategy would be submitted to a future board.



Peer Educators from Wirral Youth Theatre performed a short play highlighting the messages given to school children on the dangers of alcohol and substance misuse.  This play is part of a programme performed in schools to highlight the dangers.  The play is part of a series of workshops and has proved very effective in engaging with and relaying important messages to children and young people.


Gary Price noted the importance of this type of work as a peer approach is very effective with young people. He offered the opportunity for members of the Response project group to contact the staff at A&E with regard to the message in the play about the potential of being admitted to A&E due to excess alcohol consumption.


Cllr Smith on behalf of the Board thanked the performers and hoped that they continued with their excellent work.




The Board received the report on Wirral Young People’s Engagement and Participation Framework 2014.  It outlined the current situation to enable children and young people’s engagement and participation and introduces a draft framework for the future facilitation of the agenda.


The development of the framework provides a strategic approach to drive future engagement and participation activities.  It will enable Wirral to develop a strong multi-agency leadership and vision and to put children and young people at the heart of services.


The framework proposes that the following structures be established

  • Youth Voice Group
  • Youth Engagement Reference Group
  • Youth Engagement Strategic Champions


Cllr Smith extended his thanks and gratitude for the work being undertaken and of the work with the young people of Wirral and also their involvement in the Youth Zone project.


Cllr Clements asked how the young people of Wirral could engage with the Youth Zone and it was advised that schools/school assemblies will be targeted.  L. Loughran also suggested a link with Wirral Multicultural Organisation Youth.


Cllr Smith thanked C. Druker for the update.


It was resolved that: the Board endorse the recommendations.



The Board received the report on the operation and structure of the Children’s Trust following the recent review.


N. Clarkson advised that the review takes place on an annual basis and in line with the review of the Children & Young People’s Plan.  She further advised that one of the key drivers for the review has been the significant changes in the structure and function of public sector organisations, the reduction in funding, fewer staff and also to ensure that the Children’s Trust remains relevant and fit for purpose.  To carry out the review discussions had been held with all key stakeholders via their strategy and sub groups. Discussions had also been held in relation to enhanced joint working between the WSCB and the Children’s Trust following the recommendations from the joint event held in 2013.


It was resolved that the Board endorsed the recommendations as set out in the report.



The Board received the report of the Being Healthy Strategy Group.  This report advised that the National Healthy Child Programme sets out the recommended framework of universal and progressive services for children and young people to promote optimal health and wellbeing.  Key achievements relating to the Being Healthy priorities for 2013/14 were highlighted.


The group’s attention was drawn to the key issues for 2014/15, the challenges ahead and the risks to outcome and delivery.  The report also highlighted areas requiring further partnership working and areas for reporting focus.


In summary it was reported that across the Being Healthy spectrum good progress had been made in delivering the Being Healthy element of the Children & Young People’s Plan and in meeting some of the relevant national indicators relating to this outcome area.


In questions from the floor it was reported that the campaign on safe sleeping was developed in response to the recent data audit which identified Wirral as having a higher than average number of infant deaths. To date, the single most modifiable factor amongst infant deaths is that of co-sleeping. Awareness raising materials have been developed locally, a conference for frontline health and social care professionals was recently held and a series of shared learning events and campaigns are planned for the coming financial year.


Cllr Smith thanked J. Graham for her comprehensive report.


It was resolved that the Board noted the report.




Nancy Clarkson reviewed the report for Q3 focusing on exception reporting. With regard to Outcome 2 Looked After Children: this is estimated to remain at Amber at year end, despite a considerable amount of ongoing work. It was stated that the percentage figure of 101.6 equated to 688 looked after children. It was also reported that the target for Rate of Child Protection Plans may be achieved at the end of the year. Not in Education, Employment and Training (NEET) quarter 3 figures showed a positive trajectory over the year with the lowest Wirral NEET figures to date.


In further discussion Cllr Clements enquired when missing data would be available.  She was advised that this should be available shortly and the quarter 4 report would be on the agenda for the next meeting.


It was resolved that the Board noted the report.




There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.40 hrs.





Date and Time of FUTURE Meetings


9.00 am 20 May 2014

9.00 am 15 July 2014

9.00 am 23 September 2014

9.00 am 18 November 2014

9.00 am 20 January 2015

9.00 am 17 March 2015

9.00 am 19 May 2015

9.00 am 21 July 2015