Agenda item

Wallasey Constituency Committee Handbook Including Community Engagement Strategy and Communication Plan


Further to minute 19 (19/2/14) and minute 12 (11/12/13), the Constituency Manager, introduced a report which outlined proposed amendments and additions to the operating handbook for Wallasey Constituency Committee, including incorporation of a Community Engagement Strategy and Communication Plan for the constituency.


A separate report on the co-option process for Community Representatives was on the agenda (see minute 8 post) and the handbook would be updated to reflect the outcome of that discussion and decision. The ‘Budgets and Spend’ section of the handbook would also be populated following decisions made in relation to the report on the agenda on ‘Priorities and Spend’ (see minute 9 post).


The report gave details of proposed changes to replace Task and Finish Groups with a Constituency Committee Working Group, she asked if the Committee would want the Working Group to have decision making powers. The report also gave details of the way in which the public question time section of the Committee meeting would operate. It also contained details of a Community Engagement Strategy and a Communication Plan.


Councillor Fraser queried the size of the local Public Service Board and why couldn’t Councillors attend. She also questioned the method of making decisions by email.


Emma Degg, Head of Neighbourhoods and Engagement, stated that decisions would only ever be made by email in extraordinary circumstances, these would have to be signed off by the Chair and by herself. All Members of the Committee would be emailed and a report brought to the next meeting. With regard to the local Public Service Board, she explained that there was one for each constituency plus one overarching Board. They were not decision making meetings but rather operational officer meetings. 


Councillor Blakeley expressed delight that the Task and Finish Groups were being disbanded but commented that the ‘Terms of Reference’ wording for the Constituency Committee Working Group needed amending to reflect the fact that the Working Group meetings would be open to the public.


With regard to the section in the Handbook on Elected Members’ roles and responsibilities, Councillor Blakeley expressed his dissatisfaction with the wording which he thought was patronising to Members.


The Chair commented that the handbook was available to Members of the public and enabled them to see the roles and responsibilities of Councillors in their wards, rather than have to find this in the Council’s Constitution.


The Chair suggested that the Working Group should have decision making powers and there was a general consensus to this. Although the Group would only be quorate with at least six Elected Members present it was suggested that decisions should only be taken if at least nine Elected Members were present.


On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Mooney, it was –


Resolved (unanimously) – That the Constituency Committee Working Group be established. It shall have decision making powers providing at least nine Elected Members of the Working Group are in attendance but if fewer than nine Elected Members are present and the Group is quorate, the Working Group shall only be entitled to make recommendations to the Constituency Committee.


Councillor Blakeley moved and it was seconded by Councillor Fraser –


“That the section on elected Members’ role and responsibilities in the handbook be removed.’


The motion was put and lost (5:10) (Councillor Blakeley voting in favour)


On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Mooney, it was then –


Resolved (10:5) (Councillor Blakeley voting against) – That -


(1)  The Committee agrees the revisions made to Section 3 (Role of the Constituency Committee) and Section 4 (Community Engagement and Communications) of the Committee Handbook;


(2)  The Committee notes the contents of the Community Engagement Strategy and Communication Plan and supports their adoption;


(3)  The Constituency Manager updates Section 3 of the Handbook (Role of the Constituency Committee) following decisions made in relation to community representatives (see minute 8 post);


(4)  The Constituency Manager populates Section 5 of the Committee Handbook (Budgets and Spend) following decisions made in relation to Constituency Priorities and Spend (see minute 9 post).

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