Agenda item

2013/14 Families and Wellbeing Committee

Report of the Chair of the Co-ordinating Committee.


A report by the Chair of the Committee set out a proposed approach for developing the Scrutiny Work Programme for 2014/15.  It included a summary of the work undertaken during 2013/14 and listed those items outstanding so Members could decide whether they should remain on the Work Programme going forward.  Members were asked to have regard for some flexibility in the Work Programme, particularly in terms of scrutinising the options arising from the Future Council Programme in September.


The Committee noted that in line with the Council’s Constitution, it was responsible for determining the Scrutiny Work Programme across all four Policy and Performance Committees.  The Work Programme should align with the corporate priorities of the Council and should be informed by:


·  Service Performance information

·  Risk management information

·  Service priorities including any planned service changes

·  Public or service user feedback

·  Referrals from the Executive


The Committee also noted that in determining items for the Scrutiny Work Programme, good practice recommended the following criteria should be applied:


·  Public Interest – topics should resonate with the local community

·  Impact – there should be clear objectives and outcomes that make the work worthwhile

·  Council Performance – the focus should be on improving performance

·  Keeping in Context – should ensure best use of time and resources


Appended to the report for Members’ information was:


·  The 2013/14 Work Programme (Appendix 1).

·  The 2013/14 Policy and Performance Families and Wellbeing Committee’s Work Programme (Appendix 2).

·  The 2013/14 Policy and Performance Transformation and Resources Committee’s Work Programme (Appendix 3).

·  The 2013/14 Policy and Performance Regeneration and Environment Committee’s Work Programme (Appendix 4).


In line with feedback from the 2013/14 Municipal Year, it was proposed that each Committee established a Working Group to review items carried forward from last year and consider new items for the Work Programme for 2014/15.  Each Working Group should propose a list of topics with a clear order of priority, in order that capacity could effectively be apportioned and managed across the whole Scrutiny Programme.


Proposals would be reviewed by the Committee at its meeting in September to ensure the overall Scrutiny Programme was appropriately balanced, avoided duplication and fulfilled the criteria set out above.


The Chair also proposed that a meeting of Policy and Performance Committee Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Spokespersons or their nominees be convened to reprioritise the Work Programme.  She asked Members to consider if the Committee was a driver or a reflector.  If it was a driver she considered that the Committee should meet at the beginning of each Committee cycle but if it was a reflector it should meet at the end.


A Member made reference to the extremely heavy work load of the Policy and Performance – Families and Wellbeing Committee and that because some Members were not available during the day time, it fell to those who were available to carry a lot of the burden.  The Chair considered that the possibilities of meeting in the evening should be discussed at the meeting to be convened for Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Spokespersons etc referred to above. 




(1)  the completed and outstanding items from the 2013/14 Work Programme be noted; and


(2)  the approach set out above to develop the 2014/15 Work Programme be agreed.

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