Agenda item

Families and Wellbeing Directorate Dashboard Reports


The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Families and Wellbeing and the Director of Public Heath/Director of Policy and Performance which provided an update in relation to the 2013/14 Year End performance of the Families and Wellbeing and Public Health Directorates against the delivery of their Directorate Plans for 2013/14 whilst also providing an update of current performance (as at 31st May 2014) against the 2014/15 Directorate Plans.


The report translated the priorities set out in the Directorate Plans into a coherent and measurable set of performance outcome measures and targets. Members were requested to consider the details of the report and highlight any issues.


The Directorate Plan 2013/14 Year End Performance Report set out performance against 38 outcome measures for 2013/14, 28 were rated green, 4 were rated amber and 6 were rated red. The 6 measures rated red had action plans which referred to:


• Smoking Quitters (4 weeks)

• Smoking status at time of delivery: rate per 100 maternities

• Proportion of opiate drug users that left drug treatment successfully who do  not re-present to treatment within 6 months

• Permanent admissions of older people (aged 65 and over) to

residential and nursing care homes, per 100,000 population

• Overall satisfaction of people who use services with their care

and support

• Proportion of people who use services who say that those

services have made them feel safe and secure


The Families and Wellbeing and Public Health Directorate Plans 2014/15 set out the key functions the Directorates were responsible for and the contribution they made to the delivery of the Corporate Plan priorities. The plans would be monitored through the Performance Dashboard which contained 57 measures for 2014/15.


Data was currently available for 7 of the 2014/15 measures all of which were rated as Green.


In relation to the number of children Looked After, Ms Hassall indicated that there were 677 children at the end of March, to date the figure had increased to 690. There were plans for the next two years to take £2 million pounds out of the LAC budget, £500,000 for January till the end of March 2015. Ms Hassall confirmed that there were clear plans in place, although this will remain a challenging target.




(1)  the Directorate Plan be noted; and


(2)  the information contained within the report be used to inform the Committee’s future work programme.




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