Agenda item

Initiatives to Improve Environmental Quality


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Environment and Regulation updating on the environmental initiatives undertaken in the Birkenhead area by the Council’s Waste and Environmental Services section. The Committee was requested to consider a range of suggestions for enhanced pro-environmental activity in the area.


The recommendations within the report supported the Council’s strategic priorities “Protecting vulnerable people and communities” and “Narrowing the gap in inequalities”


The report detailed the progress of the borough wide environmental campaigns to tackle waste related issues and also the enhanced initiatives and associated costs available to the Committee.


In response to questions from the Chair, the Head of Environment and Regulation indicated that the £400,000 contribution from the Waste Development Fund was being used over a two year campaign period to drive pro-environmental behaviours and maximise recycling of household waste in terraced housing areas across the borough. A “Good Neighbour” campaign had also been introduced along with a number of enforcement initiatives.


In response to a question regarding enforcement, the Head of Environment and Regulation indicated that to date around 100 fixed penalty notices had been issued, but it was too early to indicate as to whether or not all notices had yet been paid. The Head of Environment and Regulation agreed to bring back a report to a future meeting of the Committee.


The Head of Environment and Regulation indicated that all cleansing schedules for the Biffa contract were posted on the Council’s website and were available to the public. The Chair in response asked if this information could be simplified for the benefit of the general public.


It was noted that even though the Council had allocated a further £400,000 from the budget to move to monthly ‘entry’ cleansing, the Committee had requested a more enhanced service and rapid response and was allocated a further £20,000.


The Constituency Manager indicated that the requests for a more enhanced service and a rapid response were being explored.


The Head of Environment and Regulation explained that in relation to private land, once the land owner had been established, officers were able to serve notices or put a charge on them to clean up the land which they owned.


A member of the public thanked the Head of Environment and Regulation and his officers for their work they had undertaken to clear the refuse left by builders in Circular Road and asked if officers could help clear another property at Circular Road which had been left empty and was now overrun with rubbish and rats.


A Member expressed a view that despite additional funding being allocated to a project to enhance the cleansing of the area they had not seen a dramatic improvement and asked if the Committee would be allowed to approach social enterprise to assist with cleansing  alongside the work undertaken by Biffa.


In response, the Head of Legal and Member Services indicated that as long as the two contracts did not overlap and social enterprise could offer best value, the Committee could approach them. The Head of Legal and Member Services suggested that in line with the Contract Procedure Rules, the Committee could invite Expression of Interest.


The Committee agreed to progress this project as a matter of urgency and report back to the next meeting of the Committee.


In response to the questions and comments made by Members, the Head of Environment and Regulation indicated that the funding of £20,000 could be used in a productive way, for example tackling areas of private land as the Biffa contract covered adopted highway only. He suggested that the Committee could add value by using resources for services that Biffa did not provide.


It was suggested and agreed that a Task and Finish Group be set up to progress the Committees recommendations from a previous meeting as a matter of urgency.




(1)  the progress of the borough wide environmental campaigns to tackle waste related issues as outlined in Section 2 within the report be noted;


(2)  the enhanced initiatives and associated costs available to the Constituency Committee as outlined in appendix 1 to the report be noted ;


(3)  Officers be requested to submit costings to the Committee for any alternatives to the suggested enhanced initiatives outlined; and


(4)  a Task and Finish Group be set up to progress the Committee’s recommendations as a matter of urgency.






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