Agenda item

Future Council

Proposed Arrangements for scrutiny of options - update .


The Committee considered a briefing note circulated at the meeting which provided a summary of the discussion and agreement at a meeting of the Policy and Performance Committee Chairs and Spokespersons on 3rd September.  The meeting was convened to agree a common approach across all P&P Committees to scrutinising the proposals that come forward from the Future Council Programme when these are published in September.


The note indicated that at the meeting, Members proposed an approach based on the October 2013 Review and consistent with the standard template for scrutiny review task and finish work. This approach would ensure that each committee operates independently but also delivered a consistent outcome from its scrutiny of the budget options based on the following principles:


·  A task and finish approach is adopted with the three Policy and Performance Committees setting up a scrutiny panel to review the options that fall under their remit.


·  Each committee to determine the number of Members on its panel and the number of sessions required.


·  The panel should have an initial scoping meeting once the budget options are published to agree which options they wish to scrutinise and who they want to speak to i.e. Council Officers / external advisors.


·  The panel should determine the preferred days/times for their Q and A sessions i.e. full evidence day, or a number of workshop sessions. 


·  Cabinet leads should be invited to observe sessions.


·  In line with all task and finish scrutiny work, notes will be taken and a report with recommendations will be taken back to full committee for discussion and approval.



The approach proposed was endorsed by all the Members present. 


The Chair indicated that it was proposed that the approach to be taken by this Committee was that Members would be asked to participate in the Task and Finish Groups, a report from which would be submitted to this Committee for further discussion in November. The Chair suggested that the Chair and Vice-Chair and Party Spokespersons meet to make the final arrangements. 



A Member raised concerns in relation to the approach agreed by the Co-ordinating Committee to hold discussions in private within a task and finish group setting to enable all representatives from the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee to participate which they felt would add value to the discussions to be held.


A Member further commented that they agreed that these meetings should be held in public not private to show transparency and if the Committee needed to excluded the Press and Public due to information of a sensitive nature being disclosed they could do so within the rules of the Local Government Act 1972.


Following discussion on the item Councillor Clements suggested an amendment to the proposals and moved the following motion which was duly seconded.


‘That the task and finish approach be not adopted and that meetings to discuss the budget options within our remit be held in public with all Members and representatives of the Family and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee’


The Motion was put and lost (6:9).


RESOLVED: (9:6) 


That the task and finish group approach which was suggested and agreed at the meeting of the Policy and Performance Committee Chairs and Spokespersons on 3rd September be adopted and the Chair and Vice-Chair and Party Spokespersons be authorised to meet to make the final arrangements.










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