Agenda item

Work Programme


The Committee considered a report from the Chair which updated Members on the current position regarding the Committee’s work programme.


The Strategic Director of Transformation and Resources gave an outline of the savings to be made within his department and the work of the key areas within the department’s structure. He agreed to circulate a presentation contained on three slides.


In respect of the previously agreed Local Welfare Assistance Scheme proposed scrutiny review (see minute 6 (15/7/14)) a meeting of the Task and Finish panel was convened on 6 August 2014 to determine the scope of this review. However, it transpired that there was uncertainty with regards to the unspent grant funding from previous years. It was agreed with the Chair of this Committee and the Members of the review panel that the review should be suspended until any Cabinet decision on the unspent grant funding was clear as it would not be possible to establish an appropriate scope for the review at this time.


Responding to comments from Members, the Strategic Director confirmed that the proposed Local Welfare Assistance Scheme scrutiny review had been put on hold whilst officers looked at any alternative arrangements that could be put in place and reflected on the whole budget. It was intended to ring fence, as far as possible, this money and take a proposal to Cabinet.


It was then moved by Councillor Anderson and seconded by Councillor Sykes, that –


“(1)  This Committee recommends to Cabinet that the two year underspend on the Welfare Assistance scheme be ringfenced to be only spent on welfare schemes.


(2)  Furthermore no decision on this scheme be made until a Task and Finish group has concluded considering the options available.”



At this point (6.25pm) the Chair, with the agreement of the Committee, adjourned the meeting.


The meeting resumed at 6.35pm



The Chair referred to paragraph 4.1 of the report and that it had been agreed to suspend the review until any Cabinet decision had been taken. The Strategic Director stated that a report was due to be presented to Cabinet in November.


It was then moved as an amendment by Councillor Patrick, seconded by Councillor Walsh, that –


“This Committee recognises that given Central Government has cut the money for the Local Welfare Assistance Scheme it is necessary to review how it can continue, and Committee recommends that Cabinet ensures that this money is spent to deliver for those people that the Local Welfare Assistance Scheme was initially established. A suggestion of how this might be achieved is a Task and Finish group.”


The amendment was put and carried (9:1) (3 abstentions).


In respect of the budget consultation process the Strategic Director, responding to Members’ comments, stated that the results of the budget consultation would be presented to Cabinet in November. The task and finish groups could be provided with feedback which was current at the time they were reviewing options, though it would not be complete. He also outlined the process of consultation which included roadshows, community events and direct mailshots and agreed to circulate details of the process to the Committee.


A Member suggested that it was important to get the timetabling right of future consultations and this should be looked at by a Policy and Performance Committee.


The Chair suggested a number of items for the work programme including:


·  a report on Council Tax debts and sundry debtors.

·  a report to the February 2015 meeting on the ICT Strategy.

·  the Council’s approach to filming and how the Council is implementing policies already in place.

·  a report to the February 2015 meeting on the evolving process of Future Council.


The Head of Business Processes, responding to comments from Members, agreed to circulate figures on Council Tax debts overall and sundry debtors.


The Strategic Director suggested that any review on the approach to filming could look at a whole range of accessibility options and what was needed to facilitate support to the public. A Member suggested that other Councils’ approach to this issue could be looked at, such as Cheshire West and Chester Council. Some Members suggested that as the matter had already been to Council twice this should be of lower priority on the work programme.


A further addition to the work programme was suggested of a Task and Finish group to look at delivery models such as One Stop Shops which were now taking appointments.


The Chair referred to ‘Spotlight Sessions’, which the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee had introduced into its scrutiny and review processes. These sessions enabled a topic to be explored with relevant officers or organisations in greater detail than time would allow during a formal Committee meeting. It was proposed that this Committee consider introducing sessions for Members to meet in an informal setting if a need had been identified. A short summary of the session would be provided to the next available Policy and Performance Committee meeting allowing any formal discussion and resolutions to be agreed.


Resolved –


(1)  (9:1) (3 abstentions)

That this Committee recognises that given Central Government has cut the money for the Local Welfare Assistance Scheme it is necessary to review how it can continue, and Committee recommends that Cabinet ensures that this money is spent to deliver for those people that the Local Welfare Assistance Scheme was initially established. A suggestion of how this might be achieved is a Task and Finish group.


(2)  That the items for the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee work programme for 2014/15 as shown in Appendix 1 to the report, together with those suggestions made by the Chair and Members be agreed.


(3)  That Committee approves the proposal for Spotlight Sessions to be provided as the need is identified by Members.

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