Agenda item

Public Question and Answer Session (Approximately 20 Minutes)

Although it is possible to forward pre-notified questions to the Constituency Manager, questions will also be answered on the night, via the Chair.


Elected Members and members of the public in attendance raised the following questions, comments and requests.


Number 1


A member of the public asked if Housing Associations were still "dumping" their problem tenants in New Ferry.  He went on to inform that residents were even more convinced than ever that this ongoing problem was getting worse.  (It was not only public sector tenants, but private rented sector ones too.  He asked what could be done about it.


When representatives of the Housing Associations had been invited to attend a NeFRA meeting, two years ago, they had denied that they had a deliberate policy of putting tenants with anger management/drugs/alcohol/antisocial behaviour issues in New Ferry, but the problems just did not seem to go away.  They had said that if residents had issues with any tenants, to report them to the relevant Housing Association.  However, he had found residents who were reluctant to do this because they feared "reprisals" from the unsavoury neighbours with whom they had been having problems. Some people, he said, had been hounded out of the local area by problem tenants.


The member of the public formally requested that representatives from the various Housing Associations be invited to the South Wirral Constituency Committee meeting to answer the questions residents had about this issue.


The Chair informed that some detailed work would be carried out behind the scenes.


The Constituency Manager agreed to facilitate a closed meeting and to invite representatives of Riverside to attend.  Also, Shorefields Problem Solving Group would consider this matter at its next meeting.  A holistic approach would need to be taken.


Councillor S Niblock declared a personal interest by virtue of him being a tenant of a social landlord.


A Member informed that there were problems with tenants of social and private landlords and that there was a scheme on the Wirral to register private landlords so they were more responsible and did not just “dump” people in areas.  However, this was not the forum to debate this matter in too much detail.


The Neighbourhood Inspector informed that from 20 October 2014 there would be major changes in legislation which would make it easier to evict bad tenants.


Number 2


A member of the public wanted to update the Committee on progress made in relation to the adoption of a private pumping station in Eastham Mews by United Utilities. She wished to draw attendees' attention to the fact that United Utilities were actively seeking out such locations in order that they might adopt them. (The following link signposts to United Utilities relevant web page:


The Chair informed that he had a copy of relevant correspondence.  He would review it and obtain some technical advice. 


It was noted that anyone who had a pump should be directed to United Utilities because they wanted to identify where they all were.


Number 3


A member of the public informed that the Council had contracted with an external organisation [Nurture Development] to promote the concept of Asset Based Community Development [ABCD] throughout the Borough.  He asked the following questions:


·  Does the Committee endorse the concept of ABCD?

·  How many Committee Members and officers have attended a meeting or seminar to learn about or discuss the concept?

·  What plans did the Committee have to help communities within their boundaries to develop and carry forward the ABCD principles?


The Constituency Manager informed that the Council did endorse the concept of ABCD. He and some Members had received some training on this concept and on 10 November 2014 Members had been invited to a Seminar facilitated by Nurture Development.


It was intended that each Constituency area would develop programmes that come out of the Workshops being held.


Question 4


A member of the public informed that Higher Bebington Road had been closed that afternoon because of an event at the Sports College and it had involved three Police Officers.  Road closures were now taking place whenever a tournament was on.  Members considered it important that the School was informed that it needed to redirect the traffic in a safer way.  Today, the road had been closed as the children were returning home from school.


A Member, who was also a governor of the School informed that he would take this matter up as a matter of urgency. 


Congestion issues would be taken forward and the Assistant Chief Executive would speak to the Headteacher. 


Question 5


A member of the public asked what could be done about parking outside schools at the beginning and end of the school day.  The member of the public also informed that pupils from Higher Bebington School ran down the road on Tuesday and sometimes Wednesdays knocking over wheely bins in the process.


A Member informed that parking around schools was an issue across all schools.  Headteachers and Governors tried to tackle this by sending out letters to parents asking that they park responsibly but this was not something that could easily be enforced.


Members could try to get yellow lines but down on roads in the vicinity of schools but this just moved the problems further down the road.  PCSOs did issue tickets when vehicles caused an obstruction.


The Neighbourhood Inspector highlighted the fact that parking offenses were now decriminalised.  There were very few Parking Officers.  The Police could issue tickets for obstruction but it had a high burden of proof.


The Constituency Manager informed that the Council could speak to Headteachers where a problem had been identified and it could also consider using CCTV vehicles.


A Member requested that a CCTV vehicle could be deployed to Cross Lane, Bebington where parents regularly parked on double yellow lines. The Constituency Manager agreed to compile a list of hot spots and forward them to a relevant Council colleague for consideration.


Question 6


A member of the public made reference to isolation and loneliness of elderly men and asked if consideration could be given to how to get them out of the house and involved with other people e.g. Men in Sheds.


It was noted that the policy of not gritting estate roads added to the isolation as the elderly could not leave their houses for long time periods in the winter.


A Member informed that it was no longer possible to arrange for grit bins to be filled.  This was a funding issue and it was very serious.  The problem regarding ice was understood and it was the result of the severity of the cuts the Council had been forced to make.  Members would try to find a way to solve this problem in these very difficult circumstances.


Question 7


The Alzheimer's Society in Birkenhead had received £9,000 to promote dementia and could hold an ABCD session.


The Chair informed that there had been a Notice of Motion to the Council about giving ABCD a higher priority and there was a training session planned at the Lauries Centre in Birkenhead shortly.