Agenda item



The Chair informed the meeting that a number of questions had been received in advance of the meeting and these were listed below with the name of the questioner and the respective response given.


Question 1

Mrs Wharton, Wallasey


What is being done or can be done with regards to stopping cuts and the reduction of groups and services across the Wallasey cluster children’s centres? Myself and other parents are unhappy at the current situation and would like this issue to be rectified by leaving the centres and staff as they are. they provide a crucial service to families of all backgrounds and in most cases is the only point of contact these families have with others. Disruption of this service would have a devastating effect on the community.


Kevin MacCallum responded that the Public Consultation involving these services had taken place last year and the outcome reported to Cabinet. There was one main Children’s Centre in each Constituency and surrounding satellite Centres. No Centres had been closed. Proposals to reduce opening hours were being considered by the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee.


Question 2

Miss Hayes, Moreton


Why is the council planning to hit young children who play football by increasing the cost of the use of their ground, which I might add, are frequently covered in dog dirt? Over the years, community centres have been closed down leaving only costly activities for kids. Most people are already struggling. Football is a very popular activity these days and at the moment, is still affordable.  Don’t take this away from our kids, there isn’t much of a future off them as it is.


Kevin MacCallum responded that the proposed charges amounted to about £15 per team which equated to a couple of £’s per child. Costs were still subsidised by the Council.


Question 3

Mr Griffiths, McDonalds (Liscard)


Is the Committee about to or interested in submitting a BID? To create a Business Improvement District?


Answer: From Neil Mitchell (Project Manager)

There are no plans currently for the creation of a BID within the Wallasey Constituency. That’s not to say that traders, businesses or Wirral Chamber could not seek to work to develop one themselves.


A BID is a geographical area where businesses are invited to decide how to improve their trading environment. A local mechanism is used to progress the BID where non-domestic ratepayers occupying local business premises pay an extra levy (usually 1%) on top of the annual business rates for a fixed period (up to 5 years). This additional funding generated is then ring-fenced and spent at the discretion of the BID Board based on a business plan of services and improvements within the designated BID area. Such initiatives generally are led by private sector – traders groups, Chambers of Commerce etc. The Council’s role generally is around organising the referendum and in the event of a “Yes” vote, collecting the levy through its business rate collection processes. The lead in time is on average 18-24 months.


Wirral Chamber of Commerce is currently developing a BID for Birkenhead Town Centre. This is being resourced through the £100k that DCLG made available to the Council through the High Street Innovation Fund. These resources were given to those local authority areas that experienced riots/civil disturbances in August 2011 (of which Birkenhead Town Centre/Charing Cross area suffered).


The Chair invited further questions from members of the public. There being none the Committee moved to the next item on the agenda.