Agenda item



The Committee considered the report by the Head of Neighbourhoods and Engagement that updated the Committee on progress on the actions taken following its last meeting on 24 July 2014 (Minute 8 refers).


Attached to the report were appendices which the Constituency Manager presented to the Committee in relation to theAntenatal Breast Feeding Project Quarterly Report (July-September 2014);proposals to increase signage in Birkenhead, reduce anti-social behaviour; development of  Community Researchers and the ‘Love Wirral’ funding; requests for Dropped Kerbs in Birkenhead and a performance overview of the Seven Beats Project.


The Constituency Manager updated the Committee on the following:


 Community Publication – Birkenhead


The Constituency Manager indicated that the tender process had been concluded and she would inform Members of the details of the successful tenderer in due course. The 12 month contract was due to start on 1st November 2014.


Improving the Environment


The tender was currently being advertised with a closing date of 24 November 2014. She had also been contacted by various community groups indicating that they were interested in getting involved in this project.


Public Health Outcome Fund


A Member reported that an expression of interest had been received and the panel had met with staff at St Pauls Catholic Primary School, following this, the panel formed a task and Finish group to monitor the developments to evaluate the impact of the project and provide updates to the committee at each meeting. Funding was available to award £25,000 to two schools, only one application was received, therefore it was decided that the Task and Finish Group would use their local knowledge and understanding to discuss and progress with other schools. Following this the Panel had received a proposal from Rock Ferry Primary School and a further meeting would take place with the school at the end of November 2014.


Constituency Committee Budget 2014/15


The Priorities Task and Finish Group met on 12 September 2014 to discuss proposals for the remaining £40,000. The proposals discussed and recommended were:


1.  An allocation of £2993.24 to improve the environment by increasing the signage in Birkenhead to act as a deterrent for environmental crime and increase awareness of enforcement proceedings as detailed in appendix 2 to the report; and


2.   An allocation of £35,000 to be allocated for a service to aim to reduce anti social behaviour as detailed in appendix 3 to the report;


3.  An allocation of £2000 to develop Community Researchers in Brikenhead


The Chair indicated that in relation to the proposal regarding anti social behaviour that he and Councillor P Davies had met to discuss this issue and felt that all public services and external organisations had specific budgets to canter anti social behaviour and that all budgets should be combined to tackle this issue collectively.


A Member indicated that at the meeting, it was clear that activities were being undertaken but there was no evidence of the outcomes; a Member indicated that residents needed reassurance and physical evidence as to what was being achieved. A Member indicated that the YMCA at Whetstone Lane had been undertaking some excellent work with young people tackling anti social behaviour they felt that the Committee should be assisting these examples of good work in the community.


It was commented that the there was a need for greater partnership working between registered social landlords (RSL’s) and housing to alleviate the growing issue of anti social behaviour for all residents.


In response to a Member, the Constituency Manager indicated that the Neighbourhood and Engagement team would be working with the Wirral Youth Service amongst others to ensure there was no replication of initiatives and the work commissioned by the Committee complimented existing services to improve the outcomes for anti social behaviour.


‘Love Wirral’ Funding


It had been discussed and agreed by the Priorities and Budget Task and Finish Group to recommend to the Committee to utilise this funding to deliver a reactive fly tipping service to improve the environment. A detailed overview of the criteria, delivery and costings for this service were attached as an appendix to this report.


‘Your Wirral’ 2014/15


Councillors Denise Roberts and George Davies having declared an interest in this matter left the room during its consideration.


The Chair indicated that at the July meeting the Committee had recommended that better use of the funds would be to support those struggling to pay their rent as a result of the Bedroom Tax and consequently faced eviction. A letter was sent to the Joint Working Group of ‘Your Wirral’ requesting the budget allocation be used for this purpose. The request was considered at a meeting of the Joint Working Group on 8th October 2014 and a written response had been supplied.


The Chair indicated that Magenta Living had rejected the Committees proposals and suggested that in line with the Committees priorities to reduce poverty and hardship, the Chair suggested that the funding be spent on setting up of breakfast clubs; teaching of healthy cooking skills; and ensuring children have access to meals during the school holidays when they don’t had access to free school meals.


Integrated Transport Block Capital Programme 2014/15


Councillor S Kelly updated the Committee as the only Member in attendance at the Task and Finish Group; he suggested that the Committee in future appoints deputies to the Task and Finish Groups to enable them to remain quorate.


In response, the Constituency Manager indicated that this would be added to handbook to ensure minimum attendance at task and finish groups. It was suggested and agreed that the remaining Members on the Committee be appointed deputies to the Task and Finish Groups as and when appointed.


Wonga Loans Enquiry


The Chair indicated that a letter had been sent to Wonga but it was returned unopened, this would now be re-done with a request for an appropriate response. 




(1)  the content of the updates detailed in Paragraphs 2.1-2.3 of the report in relation to specific schemes of work be noted and approved for progress to continue;  


(2)  the recommendations for the remaining spend of the 2014/15 budget allocation as detailed in Paragraph 2.4 of the report be approved;


(3)  the proposal detailed in Paragraph 2.5 of the report for use of ‘Love Wirral’ Funding be approved;


(4)  recommend to the Joint Working Group that  in relation to ‘Your Wirral’ the funding be used to in the setting up of Breakfast Clubs; encourage healthy cooking by enhancing skills of parents/carers and residents through training and courses and ensure that all children have access to meals in school holidays when there was no provision for “free school meals” in line with Committee’s priorities on reducing poverty and hardship;


(5)  the recommendations related to the Integrated Transport Block Capital Programme be approved and a minimum of 5 members be appointed for the Task and Finish Group;


(6)  Deputies be appointed for each of the Task and Finish Groups to be drawn from the remaining Members of the Committee and the provision for minimum attendance at Task and Finish Groups be added to the Handbook.



Supporting documents: