Agenda item


To receive a verbal presentation.


Sue Talbot, Senior Manager, School Improvement, Targeted Services, Children & Young People’s Department gave an overview of Ofsted inspections since1September, 2014 to 1 December, 2014 and responded to members questions. It was reported that 2 schools were in an Ofsted category (1secondary – serious weaknesses, 1 special school/alternative provision – special measures), 7 secondary schools required improvement (3 academies, 4 maintained) and 13 primary schools required improvement. 86% of primary schools were currently reported as good or better 68% of secondary schools were currently good or better and 92% of special schools / alternative provision were good or better. There had been 17 inspections in this period; 2 schools had been downgraded (2 primary schools - good to requires improvement), 11 schools had stayed the same grade (9 good; 2 requires improvement) and 4 schools have been upgraded (2 primary schools, 1 secondary school, 1 special school.


Members considered the published results relating to Bidston Avenue Primary, Christ the King Catholic Primary School, Eastway Primary School, Egremont Primary School, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (W), Leasowe Primary School, Woodslee Primary School, St. Mary’s Catholic College, Lingham Primary School, Pensby High School for Boys, St Josephs’s Catholic School (U),Stanton Road Primary School, Mendell Primary School, St. Alban’s Catholic Primary School and monitoring inspection visits to Bebington High Sports College and Emslie Morgan Alternative Provision School. Sue Talbot also reported upon HMI Monitoring visits since Sept 2014, schools in Special Measures, schools in serious weakness and schools requiring improvement. It was noted that as schools convert to academies that the current status would disappear and in response to questions from members Sue Talbot informed the Sub Committee that support would be ongoing for these schools.


It was reported that two major reforms had been implemented which affected the calculation of Key Stage 4 performance measures data; Professor Alison Wolf’s review of Vocational Education recommendations which would restrict the qualifications counted and prevented any qualification from counting as larger than one GCSE and capped the number of non GCSEs included in performance measures at two per pupil and secondly that an early entry policy should only count a pupil’s first attempt at a qualification. Members also discussed the analysis of FSM Attainment Gap 5A*-C Including English & Maths and the interventions which were in place throughout the country and determined to include this in the Work Programme for future meetings.


Resolved – That;


1  Sue Talbot be thanked for the presentation.

2  the report be noted.

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