Agenda item

Traded Services - Proposed Changes to Service Delivery

To receive a verbal presentation from the Strategic Director Families and Wellbeing and the Director of Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a joint presentation from the Strategic Director Families and Wellbeing and the Director of Childrens Services in relation to the proposed changes to service delivery of traded services.


The Strategic Director Families and Wellbeing and the Director of Children’s Services gave an overview of the ambition which was to ensure that schools continue to have access to a high quality, value for money services that will support attainment; changing landscape- why we need change; options; the journey so far; key features of the model and the next steps.


In response to Members, the Strategic Director, Families and Wellbeing and the Director of Children’s Services explained that the work was further supported by the Cabinet Office, Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), SOLACE and the Local Government Association (LGA) through an award as part of the national Delivering Differently Programme. The award comprised of £100K worth of bespoke consultancy support. They reiterated that private companies would not be involved in the final model and that Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester would be 50/50 shareholders.


Further to Members Comments and questions the Director of Children’s Services explained that the reason for choosing to join with Cheshire West and Chester and not another neighbouring authority was that Wirral had a good relationship from which to build on and there was a mutual trust.  In addition, some children attend Cheshire West and Chester schools.


In relation to the transferring of staff, staff would be TUPEd over with the same terms and conditions; further work was to be done on finalising the details on this.


The Director of Children’s Services indicated that traded services would start from the 1st April starting with the appointment of the Chief Executive. 


In response to concerns raised by a Member regarding staff TUPE’d over from the Council, the Strategic Director Children and Families indicated stress testing and risk sharing analysis had been undertaken by officers to ensure its sustainability. Detailed financial modelling had also been undertaken to ensure the company is financially viable.


The Director of Childrens Services indicated that the new company would allow the department to become more responsive to schools needs; she indicated that the Council had a good strong basis and ethos which would be replicated in the new company.


The Director of Childrens Services indicated that consultation had been undertaken with head teachers, governors, schools forum, WASH at various meetings, three newsletters had been sent out to staff and various meetings had been held with the trade unions and discussions had been held with head teachers at Cheshire West and Chester schools. As detailed within the Cabinet report, officers had spent a lot of time looking at the model and risks to ensure Wirral had the ‘best fit’.

In response to a Members question, the Director of Childrens Services indicated that training for governors would be provided by the new company, however, core statutory services such as education health care plans, and core subjects such as physical education and music would be staying within the Council.




(1)  the Strategic Director, Families and Wellbeing and the Director of Childrens Services be thanked for their informative presentation; and


(2)  continuing updates be provided to the Committee.