Agenda item


A report on progress in relation to the ongoing work programme being undertaken in support of the Wirral West Constituency Committee.


10 minutes will be allocated for this item of business.


The Constituency Manager (Wirral West) presented her reported which provided an update on progress in relation to the activities being undertaken by the Wirral West constituency team and matters for noting in respect of local issues/consultations.


The Constituency Manager pointed out that Appendix 3 of the report provided an update on the status of actions raised by Committee Services as a result of previous Constituency Committee meetings.


Stay Safe, Warm and Well Project


It was reported that the constituency team had worked with the Council’s housing team, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Age UK, Magenta Living and Energy Projects Plus on the Stay Safe, Warm and Well Project and that 21 groups had been visited with a total of nearly 300 winter warmth packs distributed. Members were also informed that 182 referrals had already been made to additional services as a result of the project.


The Constituency Manager advised that the outcomes of this work had yet to be fully assessed and the findings would be presented at an evaluation event on 20 March 2015.


Resolved –


(1)  That the work undertaken to deliver the Stay Safe, Warm and Well project be noted and that a full report on the outcomes be presented at a future meeting of this Committee.


(2)  That any remaining funding from the project be used to sustain the project into 2015-16.


Constituency Road Safety Budget 2014-15


The Constituency Manager reported that further to its meeting in October 2014, the Committee resolved to fund a series of local schemes costing an estimated £68,850 and to use the remaining £8,900 and any slippage from the local schemes agreed for dropped kerbs in the constituency.


It was reported that any required statutory consultations had been taking place since the list of schemes had been approved by the Committee and implementation of the schemes which had not been subject to statutory consultation, or which received no objections as a result of statutory consultation, were underway.


Resolved - That the progress in relation to the implementation of the local road safety schemes approved by the Committee in October be noted and that a further report on progress be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee.


Neighbourhood Working Business Case


The Constituency Manager reported upon a proposed business case that would seek to establish whether there was significant scope for Constituency Committees to influence functions and budgets leading to more localised delivery of Council services. The proposed approach was set out within the report and reflected the need to undertake detailed analysis and consultation with stakeholders.


Resolved – That the proposed approach to developing the business case be noted and that updates be submitted to future meetings of this Committee.


Constituency Conference Proposal


The Constituency Manager reported that it had been proposed that the constituency team co-ordinate a constituency conference and campaign in June 2015 to bring together the Constituency Committee, public service partners and the community, to gather views about how the constituency approach to involving local people in decision-making and influencing priorities could be further developed.


Resolved - That the proposal for a constituency conference be supported.


Local Issues/Consultations


The Constituency Manager reported upon two local issues that had gone out to consultation which were the fire station consultation and the Burbo Bank Community Fund. She further advised that the link in respect of the Children’s Centre consultation would be circulated in due course.


In response to questions from Members of the Committee, the Constituency Manager advised that about 70% of the £5,000 fund had been spent, the majority on leaflets and packs in respect of the Stay Safe, Warm and Well project, with a remainder of approximately £1,000. She also advised that liaison would take place with community centres in respect of constituency conferences.


The Chair encouraged people to take part in the various consultations.

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