Agenda item


Members of the public are invited to raise questions or issues, either at the meeting or in advance, to the Wirral West Constituency Manager, (


45 minutes will be allocated for this item of business.


The Chair invited questions from members of the public upon matters that were relevant to the Wirral West Constituency –


·  A resident from Woodchurch requested a copy of the Constitution for this Committee. He also asked if there were any plans to stop Woodchurch Centre being developed on and referred to suggestions of a Wirral Youth Zone.


o  The Constituency Manager responded and advised that she had provided the local resident with Article 10 of the Constitution that relates to Constituency Committees.


o  Councillor T Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services confirmed that Exmouth Street had been offered as the site for the Wirral Youth hub by the Fire and Rescue Service. It was believed this was a prime location for the hub and was accessible to all. He advised that this would be a £6m facility expected to open at the end of 2016 and would offer a wide range of activities for children aged 8-18 with a cost of 50p per visit. He reported that a planning application was scheduled to be submitted in March and that there would also be a stakeholder meeting shortly at which all would be welcome to find out more about the development.


The Chair thanked Councillor T Smith.


·  A resident referred to the cost implications to develop a new site and questioned the need for a new building to be developed. She suggested an existing building could be used that would be more central to the whole of the Wirral.


o  In response Councillor Smith advised that ongoing discussions were taking place with Merseyside Travel and that it was felt the facility was in the best location.


·  A resident asked whether Woodchurch Leisure Centre would be turned into a brown site.


o  The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment confirmed that it was a greenfield site and there were no plans for it to be developed.


·  A resident referred to the flooding that had occurred in December 2014 2013 (amended by the Committee on 15 July, 2015 (minute 4 refers)) in Meols, Hoylake and West Kirby and asked if there were any plans for barriers to be constructed to prevent flooding. He raised particular concern in respect of Coronation Gardens. He also referred to a barrier that had been erected.


o  The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment acknowledged that the flooding had impacted upon West Kirby and advised that those who were affected had been written to in order that they were made aware of the Repair and Renew Grant.  He advised that flood protection schemes would hopefully be commenced in 2016 and that the barrier that had been erected was in order to prevent traffic. Councillor J Hale advised that he was due to attend a meeting in respect of flood protection and would express the interests of Wirral West constituents.


·  A resident from Woodchurch raised concerns that Meadowside may close.


o  Councillor T Smith confirmed that Meadowside would not be closing.


·  A resident asked about the position of the derelict toilets on Moreton North Parade, Hoylake (amended by the Committee on 15 July, 2015 (minute 4 refers)).


o  Councillor J Hale advised that the café owner had withdrawn his interest.


·  A local resident asked if a sum of money would be put into the tennis courts and sunken gardens and expressed his wish for a memorial plaque to be erected for those who died in the Second World War.


o  The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment advised that he wasn’t aware of this as it had been an offer made by the developer rather than a Section 106 agreement that was often imposed by the Council. Councillor G Ellis confirmed that a planning application had been opposed.


·  A local resident asked when improvements would be made to the football pitch at Meols Parade Gardens following the successful application for funding from the monies allocated by the R&A for community projects.


o  In response, another local resident gave an update that some work had been undertaken at the site by Parks and the Constituency Manager agreed to look into it further.


·  A local resident requested an update in respect of the golf resort.


o  The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment advised that negotiations in respect of the preferred development were underway and that subsequently recommendations would be made to Cabinet.


·  A local resident referred to the problem of dog fouling and said that this seemed to be getting worse.


o  The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment advised that proposals had been accepted to increase activity regarding dog fouling. The Chair confirmed that the team of officers had been reduced last year but that extra staff had now been put back into the team.