Agenda item

Directorate Plan Performance Management Report


The Head of Financial Services introduced a report which outlined the current performance of the Department (as at 31 January, 2015) against its Directorate Plan for 2014/15.


The report also included appendices with exception reports on those seven items which had been ‘red’ rated for non-compliance against the specified target. The seven measures rated red were:


·  Percentage of implementation of Windows 7 and Office 2010 (TRCP01)

·  Percentage of Performance Appraisals completed (TRCP03)

·  Percentage of suppliers paid (or payment terms) within 30 days (TRDP06)

·  Percentage of local SME suppliers paid within 10 days (TRDP07)

·  Reduction in the total number of published supplementary agendas for Council, Cabinet and Committee meetings (TRDP10)

·  Percentage of Leadership Development Programmes completed (TRDP11)

·  Percentage of Management Development Programme modules completed (TRDP12)


The Head of Financial Services elaborated upon the reasons for these poorer performing measures and the actions being taken to improve them.


Members expressed particular concern at the poor performance of the Performance Appraisals (TRCP03) measure, the margin of non-compliance and the detail and effectiveness of the corrective actions as Members had expressed concerns throughout the year over performance.


In response to Members’ comments, the Head of Financial Services stated that the Directorate was aware of the issues regarding the poor performance on Performance Appraisals completed. This was a Council-wide requirement that was reported by Human Resources and the Strategic Leadership Team had acknowledged the poor corporate performance for 2014/15. The Appraisals process had been reviewed for 2015/16 and this included plans for these to be completed by the end of August, 2015.


There were questions on employees leaving the Council and the level of consultation over the changes within the Council. In response Members were advised that employees and Trade Unions were engaged throughout the consultation process over changes through re-modelling and restructuring and those leaving would have had an exit interview. 


Concern was also expressed at the measure on the Management Development Programme (TRDP12) and the need to know what modules managers were expected to undertake and what modules had been completed. It was also suggested that to see progress made from previous years comparative data should be provided.


The Head of Financial Services stated that performance for 2014/15 did not reflect those who had completed the modules in previous years. The module requirements had been reviewed. To increase compliance and reporting in 2015/16 the requirements were being incorporated within the revised performance appraisal process.


It was requested that information be provided to Committee on the modules that were included in the Development Programme and the numbers of managers who had completed the modules.


The Head of Financial Services suggested that it might help Members if the Head of Human Resources reported to Committee in July on the Performance Appraisal process for 2015/16. It was agreed that this should include the Appraisal format and the performance to date in 2015/16.


With regard to the indicator TRDP10, and a reduction in the number of published supplementary agendas, the Head of Legal and Member Services stated that one of the actions being taken to improve this performance was the implementation during the next municipal year of ‘reports management’ through the Mod.Gov system so that all reports would be generated through this system thereby imposing greater discipline on report authors to meet deadlines.


Resolved –


(1)  That a note be provided to all Committee Members on the modules in the Management Development Programme and the number of managers who had completed the modules.


(2)  That with regard to Performance Appraisals a comprehensive report be provided for the next meeting of the Committee and presented by an officer from Human Resources.

Supporting documents: