Agenda item

APP/15/00893:10 BANKS ROAD, HESWALL, CH60 9JS - Proposal of a community shop (A1) to replace existing garage buildings together with temporary structures in adjoining land for recreation and tourist/visitors.


The Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment submitted the above application for consideration.


On a motion by Councillor Elderton and seconded by Councillor Daniel it was:


Resolved (13:0) That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans received by the local planning authority on 22 June 2015 and listed as follows: Drawing numbers FGA.15.009_001,15.009_002,  15.009_99, 15.009_104 Rev B and 15.009_101 Rev A as amended dated 19.8.15


3. The premises including the outdoor recreation area and temporary servery shall not be open to the public and no work or associated activities including deliveries/loading/unloading/servicing shall be carried out on the premises before 08.00 hours or after 18.00 hours


4. Prior to the commencement of development a scheme of odour control for any proposed kitchen extraction equipment and any other external air handling/conditioning/refrigeration units shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme shall be implemented in full and shall be retained as such thereafter.


5. No development shall be commenced until full details of a 2 metre high close boarded acoustic fence to be installed around the perimeter of the site, except for the side fronting onto Banks Road, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved fence shall be implemented in full prior to the first use of the development and shall be retained as such thereafter.


6. No development shall take place until a Site Waste Management Plan, confirming how demolition and construction waste will be recovered and re-used on the site or at other sites, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved Plan shall be implemented in full unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


7. Prior to the first occupation of the dwellings arrangements for the storage and disposal of refuse, and vehicle access thereto, shall be made within the curtilage of the site, in accordance with details to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be implemented in full unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


8. No development shall take place until details of secure covered cycle parking and/or storage facilities have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  These facilities shall be provided in accordance with the approved details and made available for use prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted and shall be retained for use at all times thereafter.


9. The site and premises shall be used as a community shop only, as outlined in the application and supporting information, and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987 (as amended or in any provisions equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification).


10. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and at no time shall there be any amalgamation or sub-division of the development hereby approved nor shall there be any enlargement by way of extension, installation of mezzanine floor or other alteration to any building the subject of this permission without express planning permission first having been obtained.  The total gross retail shop floor area, measured internally, shall not exceed 25 square metres.



Supporting documents: