Agenda item

Constituency Budget and Spend


The Constituency Manager introduced a report which provided an update on the Constituency Committee’s committed spend. It also provided proposals for larger scale projects identified by the Committee, for consideration by the Committee.


She reported that an initiative, ‘Reducing Super Strength Alcohol Campaign’, which the Committee had agreed to fund in June 2014 (minute 18 refers) had since been funded by the Council’s Public Health service across the whole borough and the funding committed by the Committee had therefore been returned for its reallocation. This £2,500 allocation had been added to the balance available to the Committee, which was now £57,367.60.


With regard to the £25,000 devolved Integrated Transport Block Capital Programme Fund for schemes to improve road safety and/or promote active travel, it was proposed that the Committee identify their priority (priorities) for each respective ward. These would then be costed by officers in the Council’s Traffic and Transport division, for decision by the Committee at a future Constituency Committee / Working Group meeting.


The Constituency Manager requested that the Committee give consideration to which of four suggested large scale projects should be funded from its budget. The four projects:


(i).  Dementia Friends/Dementia-Friendly Communities

(ii).  Defibrillators

(iii).  Handy Persons Service

(iv).  Reducing Social Isolation


were outlined in appendices to the report.


A fifth project, Safe Havens, would be pursued through existing resources and would be led by Merseyside Police (Wallasey Neighbourhood).


Members discussed the merits of the allocation of the Integrated Transport Block Capital Programme Fund either to one particular project or to smaller projects within each ward. Problems of illegal parking around a number of schools were referred to by Members and the need for extra enforcement of measures in place to alleviate the problems. Members referred to particular small schemes within their wards which could be funded from this allocation.


On a motion by the Chair, it was –


Resolved – That potential projects for enforcement of traffic measures around schools for funding from the Integrated Transport Block Capital Programme Fund be costed by officers in the Council’s Traffic and Transport division, and Members inform the Constituency Manager of any ward schemes to be costed up by no later than Sunday, 8 November, and that these are then reported back for decision by the Committee at a future Constituency Committee / Working Group meeting.


Councillor Mooney declared that with regard to one of the projects, ‘Handy Persons Service’ she did work for Age UK but not for the ‘Friends in Action’ service.


Councillor Pat Hackett, then declared a prejudicial interest as a member of the New Brighton Coastal Community Team, and left the room during discussion on the remaining part of this item.


The Committee then discussed the merits of each of the four large scale projects. There was general consensus on funding projects (i), (ii) and (iii), however, on project (iv), Members suggested that the business community in New Brighton should be contributing towards this proposed scheme because of the benefits it would bring to businesses in the area.


Jacqui Canning from WIRED was present at the meeting and in response to comments from Members stated that the Liscard Mobility shop was only open three days a week because there was not a demand. She assured the Committee that they did have the resources of a sufficient fleet of vehicles for a third Wirral site.


The Constituency Manager reported that the option of an adapted shipping container to house the service had been looked at but the costs were of a similar amount. No other sites in New Brighton were identified. She emphasised that the proposal should also be seen in its broader context of bringing back in to use a fairly derelict building with the benefit of public toilets.


Resolved – That this Committee agrees to award funding to the following projects in the total sum of £57,367.60:


(i) Dementia-Friendly Communities: Dementia-Friendly Businesses


Fund in full


(ii) Defibrillators: Saving Lives in Wallasey

Fund two installations per ward (option B).

(YW51 was funded in full)





(iii) Handy Persons Services: Promoting Friends in Action


Fund in full


(iv) Tackling Social Isolation: Accessible New Brighton


Fund service in full and refurbishment in part

£7,525 (service)

£18,293 (refurbishment)


With project (iv) funding only being released on the proviso that the remaining outstanding balance is sourced and that, if not, this funding is released back to the Committee for a further decision.

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