Agenda item

Anti-Social Behaviour Budget


The Chair reported that two bids had been received from Birkenhead Youth Club and Wirral Tennis Centre in relation to the delivery of anti-social behaviour (ASB) activities, it was suggested and agreed that the bids be referred to the ASB Task and Finish Group for further consideration.


The Chair indicated that the Committee had previously received an update on data and action plan in relation to anti-social behaviour (ASB) from Mr Tony Kinsella, Independent Consultant who had been commissioned to undertake analysis in relation to ASB allocation. The Chair asked Members how they wished the funding to be spent and reiterated that at the last meeting it was agreed that funding would be given only to those services that added value in tackling ASB in Birkenhead.


In response to the Chair, a Member indicated in relation to ASB in Shaw Street, a new CCTV system had been installed and fencing had been erected to stop the thorough-through to Borough Road, he felt that the problems on Shaw Street had now been resolved but suggested that this be monitored on a regular basis to ensure no reoccurrence.


A Member raised concern regarding the CCTV system installed at Rock Ferry as it did not seem to be appropriately monitored and there had been recent incidents that had not been captured. She further indicated that the CCTV system in Birkenhead Park was not working, this had been reported and officers would be investigating, she further reported that she would like to see additional CCTV installed in the park due to recent incidents. 


In response, Members indicated that CCTV was monitored by both Merseyside Police in Borough Road and Liverpool. The Chair asked the Constituency Manager to ascertain where the CCTV images were monitored; were they monitored 24 hours a day; what proportion of cameras were working and report back to the ASB Task and Finish Group. 


A Member raised concern regarding a recent burglary that had occurred at Prenton Primary School; the school had asked if its CCTV system could be included in the monitoring scheme. In response it was reported that if the school was a member of the Community Patrol it would be automatically monitored as part of the scheme. The Chair asked the Constituency Manager to ascertain information as to which schools had CCTV cameras and had opted into the community patrol service and at what cost and also investigate whether Prenton Primary could be linked up to a monitoring network and report back to the ASB Task and Finish Group. 


In relation to CCTV, the Constituency Manager indicated that she had invited Ian Lowrie, Mark Cambourne, Steve Preston and Keith Patterson to the next meeting of the ASB task and Finish Group for a progress update as to how the monitoring system was working.


The Chair asked the Members of the ASB Task and Finish Group to provide a report as to how they feel the ASB budget should be spent and for those recommendations to be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee for further discussion.


The Chair further asked the Constituency Manager to report to the Task and Finish Group on the recent trends in ASB at McDonalds, ASDA and Birkenhead Park and liaise with McDonald’s and Asda as to whether they would be willing to contribute to funding a Community Support Officer and ascertaining their views on how they feel the money should be spent on tackling ASB in those particular areas and feed back to ASB Task and Finish Group. He also asked that she liaise with Councillor George Davies on his suggestions on how the ASB budget could be spent in Birkenhead Park and feedback to the ASB Task and Finish Group.





(1)  the Constituency Manager be requested to report back to the ASB Task and Finish Group at its next meeting on the following issues raised by the Committee;


·  Recent trends in ASB at McDonald’s, Asda and Birkenhead Park

·  Suggestions gathered from McDonald’s and Asda as to how the ASB budget might be most effectively spent in the town centre, and whether they may contribute funding for a Community Support Officer

·  Suggestions from Councillor G Davies in relation to ASB Budget spend in Birkenhead Park

·  Birkenhead’s CCTV images – monitoring and proportion of cameras working

·  Schools which had opted into the Community Patrol service, and at what cost


(2)  the Constituency Manager be requested to invite representatives from Community Patrol be to a future meeting of the ASB Task and Finish Group; and


(3)  be requested to investigate as to whether Prenton Primary could be linked up to CCTV monitoring network and the query raised by constituent in relation a telephone pole;and


(4)  the ASB Task and Finish Group be requested to provide a report as to how they feel the ASB budget should be spent and for those recommendations to be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee for further discussion.