Agenda item

Safeguarding Adults Annual Report (14-15) and Priorities (15-16) - Presentation


The Committee considered a presentation in relation to the Annual Report 2014-15 and priorities for 2015-16 from the Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAPB).


Mr Bernard Walker, Independent Chair of the SAPB highlighted the statutory objectives and functions of WSAPB as detailed in the Care Act 2014; SAPB attendance and Adults Local Authority Designated Officer (ALADO) data and progress to date against the 2013-2015 objectives.


The priorities for the WSCB for 2015/16 were detailed in the presentation which included:


  Adults who may be at risk are safe, outcomes are improved and they feel safe

  Partnership arrangements for Safeguarding Adults in Wirral are improved;

  A range of responses are developed to enable earlier identification of need

  The implementation of the multi-agency Domestic Abuse Strategy ensures professionals are equipped to quickly respond to domestic abuse in all its forms.


Mr Walker indicated that the PDF version of the Annual Report was not yet complete but would be made available shortly, he highlighted a piece of work that the Board was undertaking alongside John Moores University in relation to Self-Neglect.


Mr Walker indicated that Wirral was part of a pilot scheme “Making Safeguarding Personal” following its success this now sat alongside the Care Act. The aim was to ask people what they wanted as a resolution to make them feel safe and to also ensure that outcomes were appropriate monitored.


Mr Walker further highlighted a piece of awareness raising work to be undertaken in relation to “mate-crime” in particular those with special needs who may be being exploited by those who present themselves as “friends”.


In response to a Member in relation to attendances at the Board and Case Conferences, Mr Walker indicated that the Board meetings were well attended and he as Chair always tried to ensure that officers in attendance made a contribution at each meeting; he went on to highlight the contributions made by Healthwatch Wirral and the Older People’s Parliament and indicated that the support given to the Board by all parties had been excellent. He further indicated that for case conferences and strategy meetings, attendance was scrutinised by the executive group to ensure that those that should attend, were actually in attendance, he reiterated that generally statutory officers were always in attendance.


In response to a Members question, Mr Walker explained that the ALADO data was monitored by the Performance and the Executive Groups, and that he felt that the significant spike referred to in March 2015 was an indication that awareness raising had worked and that more referrals were being made.


In relation to training, Mr Walker indicated that workforce data for people working in the adult social care sector were monitored by, Skills for Care the sector skills council via a minimum data set which includes staff training. The training programme was available for all providers but not generally for volunteers. Access to training, including the on-line training will be via the Safeguarding Boards’ Website following its launch in April.




That the update be noted and Mr Walker be thanked for his presentation.