Agenda item

Local Development Framework


John Entwistle (Corporate Services) gave a presentation on the Local Development Framework (LDF) – copies of which were available at the meeting.


The LDF is a new style development plan that will replace Wirral’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and be used alongside the Regional Spatial Strategy, covering the North West of England, issued by the Secretary of State. The LDF will be a key legal document covering 15-20 years and will consist of a Core Strategy and a spatial plan, and there are opportunities to consult on this at each stage of a long process until its submission to the Secretary of State.  The proposed adoption date for the LDF is 2011.


Forum members had already received a copy of the Issues, Vision and Objectives consultation document, covering issues, vision (to 2025 with 15 main elements linked to the Sustainable Community Strategy) and 29 objectives. Anyone wishing to get involved can request a copy of the consultation document by adding their details to the list available at the meeting or by contacting Hazel Edwards (0151 691 8225 / The deadline for comments is 5pm on 27 March 2009. Anyone wishing to be kept involved in the LDF process can request to be added to our contact database again by contacting Hazel Edwards.


The Chair thanked John Entwistle for his presentation and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  What is land use?

A.  Land use covers all aspects of the use of all land within the borough – such as development, protection, and infrastructure.



2.  Is the framework concentrating on a particular area?

A. The framework covers the whole of Wirral, documents dealing with particular areas / topics will be looked at later in the process.


3.  Would someone be available to attend a resident’s group meeting to discuss the framework?

A.  Yes, please see me at the end of the meeting to arrange this.


4.  Philip Barton – anyone with an interest in land use should get in touch now, as by the time it is submitted to the Inspector it will be too late to make significant changes. Most people do not understand the old system, therefore it is essential that the consultation is done properly - more workshops are needed to increase involvement from different sections of society throughout the process, improve people’s knowledge and generate more interest in this. Up until recently Inspectors have been bowing to public pressure, but the government is tackling this.

A. This is a new and complex system that has been brought in across the country; the comments raised will be taken on board. There will be more consultation as we go through the later stages of the process.


5.  Peter Exley – is this seen as a strategic special review and are some types of land statutorily protected, therefore safe (e.g. parks)?

A.  David Ball – It is a land use planning document, covering all of the Wirral, identifying large scale areas of land and our vision for this (e.g. how do we want Birkenhead to be in 15 years time – should it still be a retail centre / should it be expanded?). Conservation areas, parks and open spaces are important to areas. The later stages of the process will look at areas in more detail and people will be encouraged to get involved. Once the options are set up proposals can be shown in a more graphic way, enabling the key issues for Wirral (and this forum area) to be highlighted.


David suggested that sessions could be set up to look at this in more detail before or after the forum meetings.


Councillor McLaughlin added that the framework addresses all land within the borough and is concerned with the use, not the disposal of, land.


Philip Barton supported David’s suggestion and felt that it would be useful if the area forum had a sub-group to look at this; he added that the Wirral Globe is not received by everyone therefore the consultation needs to be advertised in other ways.


The Chair agreed that this would be looked into.


David Ball added that other ways of communication include area forums, Tranmere Together, e-mails and word of mouth (people can help by spreading the message).


Resolved that: 

(i)  John Entwistle be thanked for his presentation

(ii)  John Entwistle to look into the forum setting up a sub group to look at the framework proposals and comment on these