Agenda item

Minutes and Matters Arising from previous Forum


The Area Co-ordinator, Andy Brannan, gave an overview of his report, copies of which were available for members of the public at the meeting.  The minutes of the meeting of the Area Forum on 22 October 2008 were included on pages 3-12 and a written update on all issues raised on pages 13-15 of the report, and asked if anyone wished to raise any issues on these:


The chair raised the following issues:


You Decide – an update on this would be reported at the next meeting, as there had been a delay in receiving information from officers on this.


Strategic Asset Review (SAR) – the review and the closure of Wallasey Village Library and Guinea Gap Baths were strongly opposed. Councillor Bob Moon was asked to attend the meeting to answer questions on the review, but sent his apologies. The chair agreed to pass on any questions relating to the review on to the SAR representatives, and the following were raised:


1.  Anne McArdle - what does the local community want to put into Wallasey Village Library and has any consultation been done on what the building could be used for (it would be good to see some community facilities in the area)?

Chair – a meeting was held with the Director of Regeneration on possible uses for the building / community transfer, and are still in contact over the future of the building. Officers are not keen to put in a library service.

Councillor Wood – there has been one bid, from St Georges Primary School for a classroom and local community facility, but this is still open for discussion as it couldn’t take place until after Council on 11th February.

Councillor Rennie – informed the forum that she had requested a copy of the policy on this at a meeting with the Director of Regeneration and was informed that it had not been written when the review went out to public consultation. Once the details of what the policy means are received we will be working to get a permanent solution for the future of the building, as don’t want this to be mothballed. She had been advised by the Director to talk to the community and try and get people from the business community / solicitors / accountants to see if they will help / get involved in this, and we will be actively seeking those people.  There will be a small dowry to help community groups to set up the initiative, but not to continue to run it. We would like to see some sort of library facility in the area as consider Wallasey Village Library to be strategically placed, and feel that the Liscard area is not practical. We will hold public meetings and request that ideas on the use of the building be passed to the forum.

Anne McArdle welcomed the comments as it is important that the community is involved in the future use of the building.

2.  Geoff Gorman – has an impact assessment report been done on the outcomes if community facilities are closed?

Chair – confirmed that, to his knowledge a report had not been done, but that he had raised this issue, and not many of the user groups had been consulted with on this.

3.  Dave Hanlon – felt that there was limited public consultation on this, that user groups were not consulted, and that a lot of people did not get the chance to have their say at the special area forum meetings. He raised concern over the future of Guinea Gap Baths, a facility that is used by lots of people, and hoped that it would stay open for many years to come and not just the two year stay of execution. He added that the decisions were made in a year when there will be no local elections.

Chair – expressed sympathy for the staff at the baths and the possible loss of the facility that has had much investment put into it (sauna / bikes) over the last two years. Councillor Steve Foulkes arranged the special area forum meetings in the constituent areas and this decision could not be overturned.

4.  Member of the public – was the SAR a central government requirement?

Chair – it was not a statutory requirement, but was part of a comment by the Audit Commission.

5.  Joan Roberts – the Pacific Road Theatre is a busy venue, and many groups make use it as a base. It hosts many different shows, concerts are usually sold out and a lot of people from the Wallasey area visit it. The decision to close this would be understandable if it was empty / under used. The only other theatre is the Gladstone, but this is not local.

Chair – confirmed that he had corresponded with Joan on this matter and added that the Floral Pavilion was a good asset, but that were given something in one hand only to have it taken away with another.

6.  John Timms – lost of money has been spent on Wallasey Village library / Guinea Gap Baths / Pacific Road Theatre, and felt that the decision to close them should be audited.

Chair – there is no one available at the meeting to answer this.


Resolved that: 

(i)  the minutes of the last meeting held on 22nd October 2008 be approved

(ii)  the chair to forward questions / issues raised re: the SAR to the SAR representatives