Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

·  Merseyside Police/Community Safety

·  Fire Service

·  Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·  NHS Wirral

·  Older Peoples Parliament




Inspector Paul Harrison attended to update the forum on recent activity.  The Police always wanted to improve services to communities and rely on local communities to tell us when we get it wrong, to enable us to put it right.


Alpha 5 had seen a reduction in every crime area in the last 6 months through the hard work of every police officer and partners that work in this area.  We are the best performing of all areas in Merseyside Police, however would always be striving to improve. 


There were areas of concern and using problem solving groups to help achieve progress. We need to try and improve attendance at these groups, so if you can tell us what you need we can try and adapt our services to fit.  We have produced a Newsletter, so if you can let us have addresses of neighbours, friends let me know and we can email or post.


Activities include a Respect Week planned for end of month in Noctorum to deal with anti social behaviour and would involve truancy sweep/search warrants/high visibility patrols.  Results would be circulated.  There would be an operation running to end March to tackle increase in robberies at off licenses etc. 


Councillor George Davies asked for an update on investigation around the missing offender within the Claughton Village area. 

A – understand people’s anxiety, done utmost to find and kept search up for length of time, however not able to sustain that level in a particular area as need to move on.  Forensic team were working hard on investigation and work is still progressing.  Condolences to family of the victims and people who live around this location.


Q – Jean raised the following queries:

-  Newsletter referring to the ASBO meeting on 3 Feb went out too late

-  Respect scheme at Bidston Rise, was to run for 12 months although we had wanted it for 2 years.  Would like that issue taken up and reported back please.

-  Community mobile police station.  Sounds good, however it has been on Hoylake Road 6 months and I have not seen it open. 

Inspector Harrison responded:

  the late notice was raised at the meeting so they are aware of it.  Meeting had been called by Wirral Anti Social Behaviour Team.

  Understanding was the scheme was for 12 months but would find out for you.

  Police have part in staffing the mobile station, don’t have resources to staff all the time, however it has been open.  It is also staffed by other partner agencies to want to use it.


Councillor Davies asked when the next meeting was due to take place. 

Inspector Harrison did not think it had been scheduled yet.  Michelle would check and circulate date to Forum members.


Inspector Harrison concluded by saying that there were a lot of activities going on around Respect and the partnership between all agencies in that area was starting to work.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital


Laura Quigley attended from WUTH and the community rep was also present.  Highlights included:

  Control infection was a high priority, now have an 8-bedded isolation unit.  Recently launched publicity campaign ‘Working Together to Keep it Clean’ campaign. 

  Trust had been awarded Best Hospital in Dr Foster Good Hospital Guide. 

  A major capital build was starting in May this year, bringing together women’s and children’s services. 

  Urological ward just had an upgrade and achieved specialized status for cancer. 

  New web site email for patients.

  Foundation Trust seeking public members, if anyone was interested in becoming a member please let me know.


Councillor Davies had been on the website and confirmed it was easy to navigate.  He asked the question why the blood service had been stopped at Clatterbridge.  He also raised concern about the oncology unit at Clatterbridge and possible transfer of some facilities to Royal in Liverpool.

A – Blood sample services had been run in hospital and one run in the community.  However, Trust no longer provide community phlebotomy services, this service is now with GPs.  Secondly in relation to oncology unit, would transfer some service to Liverpool as majority of cancer patients from that area.  However, the Clatterbridge site would still remain as centre for ongology, with radio therapy and chemotherapy inpatient services.  Process would commence from April.


Suggestion from member of the audience re a recording around MRSA at hospital in Walton entrance and whether the Trust could adopt that.

A – not heard that suggestion before.  I am part of Infection Control Committee would feed that back.  Thank you for raising it.


NHS Wirral


The name had recently been changed as not everyone understands what a PCT is, however calling it NHS Wirral recognised the PCT’s role as local leader of the NHS


NHS Wirral has received an initial assessment of our progress, accompanied by detailed guidance and recommendations on areas we must address to evolve into a world class organization.  The report notes our strengths and PCT received a “green” highest scoring assessment in respect of its draft strategic plan, financial plan and governance arrangements.


Over this winter NHS has faced an unprecedented level of admission, ambulance call outs.  There are a large number of people who go to A&E unnecessarily.  We were extending hours that GPs are open and ensuring some appointments are bookable in advance.


The Chair asked whether people going to A&E were referred to the walk in centre?

A - yes we have developed a single tier system


Q - is there any truth in rumour that certain GPs practices are going to be identified as minor injuries units?

A - a minor injury unit has opened at Clatterbridge and we are developing another at St Cath’s similar to VCH.  GPs are on those sites, however not aware of anything in practices.  MA would check and feedback.

Q when does the new health centre Laird Street open?

A - October

Q – re the consultation exercise - are there any other GPs moving to St Cath's

A – the consultation with patients/practices resulted in Devaney Practice not wanting to move, so that practice has stayed.  Victoria Practice is moving to St Cath’s and one other.  Would check which and feedback.


Wirral Community Safety Team


Jim Thompson from Wirral Community Safety Team briefed that Wirral has developed a nationally recognised system of working through partnership and within the multi-agency team are reps from Acute Trust/GP/Police/Fire Service/:Probation/Children's services/Youth Offending Service.

Wirral leads the way with comparators and continues to be a very safe place to live.


There was no rep today from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, however they are concerned about fire safety and issue free home fire safety checks which they would encourage you take up


Q - How long would the community police station be in that location for?

A – it is there to analyse data from police community patrols, looking at high spots for anti social behaviour in Wirral.  From this we would develop a plan.  It has been put in there for a period of time and we would review as it proceeds.  There isn't a specific time, we would follow up and continue to monitor what is happening in that area.   It is a focal point to give various agencies a place to work.


A member of the audience congratulated on domestic violence figures which were very good.  It showed that if you had an LAA target and put some resource into that work as a multi agency, it does work.  The Race Hate Task Group was a similar group, of families suffering from racial violence and currently in the process of looking how that can be addressed.  I would ask for some commitment from all the agencies to work together to try and put a similar support into Race Hate because it is going to increase.


Police confirmed that Domestic Violence issues had historically been given high priority and it had now become a very successful unit.  We are now working closely with other agencies and have a strategy in place to improve confidence of people from minorities who have been a victim of crime.


The Police are doing good work, would want other agencies to join in.

The Lead Officer confirmed that there was now a joint strategy - indicator NI115 Wirral looking together at how we take these things forward. 


Fire Service


Pages 11/12 of the Community Engagement Co-ordinator’s report contained a comprehensive update on the Service in Wirral, and highlighted the following:


Risk Management Plan – copies of the latest plan are available at libraries, one stop shops and can be viewed on line at The comments received during the consultation undertaken over the last three months will be taken into consideration before the final draft is published.


Fire Safety Checks – free safety checks are still available, the area around Brackenwood golf course was targeted last week and we achieved 30 checks. During the last quarter the Fire Service visited nearly 6,000 homes on Wirral to complete home fire safety checks. This scheme has been running for ten years and comments on how this service could be improved would be welcomed along with details of any home that may need a safety check.