Agenda item


To receive a verbal presentation.




The Head of Targeted Services addressed the Sub-Committee and informed Members of progress against Performance Indicators in respect of Children’s Centres in Wirral.


Members heard how progress had been hindered by the delayed implementation of the Family Intervention Service. They were then informed how a re-organisation of the Family Support and intensive Family Intervention Programme teams into a single service area through formal consultation with staff, HR and Trade Unions had delayed the launch of the new programme by approximately 3 months. Members were advised that Children’s Centre Staff were no longer at risk of redundancy.


Performance Indicators were identified to Members as follows:


·  The take up of 2 year old offer by eligible families - This had not been utilised as effectively as it could be. In response, it was explained that the process for contacting eligible families has been revised which would enable increased take up of the offer with more targeted outreach to those families that had not accessed funding.

·  Increased take-up of Children’s Centre services for Children Looked After, Children in Need  and Children subject to a Child Protection Plan – There has been an increased take up in this area, however, there is still work to be undertaken with Foster Carers.

·  Family intervention service engagement with families- The start of the formal consultation and review of Family Intervention was delayed for several months. This means that Family Intervention Teams will not be established until September 2015.

·  Family Intervention Service positive outcomes with families – Due to the nature of the Payment by Results terms the majority of outcomes cannot be claimed until 12 months post identification.

·  % of families with an under 5 living in the most 0-20% most deprived SOA’s that are registered with a Children’s Centre -  Work is being undertaken by Registrars to ensure that parents are registering children at a local Children’s Centre.

·  % of families with an under 5 living in the 0 – 20% most deprived SOA’s who have sustained contact with a Children’s Centre – The level of sustained contact has dropped slightly across the quarter (28% in April) due to data cleansing exercise.


In addition to Performance Indicators a detailed action plan was provided to members, in conjunction with the Wirral Plan: A 2020 Vision and was summarised as follows:



Priority one: Children in Wirral will start life well


Theme Lead: Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group


Action points are to:


1)  Increase the uptake of maternity services delivered by integrated teams in locality – based settings;

2)  Improve young children’s health outcomes: raise breastfeeding rates so performance is equally good across the borough; targeted reduction in obesity at age 4 – 5.


Priority two: Children receive sensitive and responsive care from their main caregivers in the first years of life


Theme Lead: Wirral Council – Early Childhood Delivery Group


3)  Provide training and mentoring for child-minders, nurseries and childcare settings which focuses on the attachment needs of babies and infants.

4)  Review both evidence – based parenting programmes and peer-led and community based activities to ensure all parents can access support for effective parenting.


Priority Three: Increase of the % of children achieving a good level of development at the end of the early years foundation stage.


Theme Lead: Wirral Council – Early Childhood Delivery Group


5)  Close the gap in readiness for school for disadvantaged children.

6)  Percentage of schools and childcare settings rated good or outstanding increases.

7)  Improve the take up of 2, 3 and 4 year old nursery places for vulnerable children by sharing responsibility as a partnership.


During a discussion regarding Childcare provision, Councillor W Clements declared a personal interest by virtue of her being employed in an Early Setting.


A Member expressed concern regarding a lack of a statistical evidence having been provided to Members in advance of the meeting and requested that in the future such reports are included with the main agenda


Resolved – That Members note the contents of the presentation.