Agenda item

Partner Organisations Update

  • Merseyside Police/Community Safety
  • Fire Service
  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • NHS Wirral
  • Older Peoples Parliament


Merseyside Police – Inspector Julie Fletcher


Inspector Julie Fletcher informed the forum that there had been lots of enforcement action taken in the last quarter. A total of 23 warrants had been executed in the forum area, leading to 24 arrests and the discovery of a cannabis farm. In January two S30 dispersal orders were obtained for Brougham Road and Percy Road / Palatine Road area (maps detailing the areas covered were available at the meeting). The orders allow groups of 3 or more young people to be directed to leave and can be arrested if they return within 24 hours. Section 27 dispersal orders can be applied for to deal with people over the age of 16.


Action to tackle anti-social behaviour has led to 13 arrests, 10 fixed penalty notices being issued, 3 summonses and 98 dispersal notices being given out. The action has dramatically reduced calls reporting incidents of anti-social behaviour.


Monthly newsletters are now being produced by each neighbourhood inspector, only 500 of these are being printed at present (copies were available at the meeting). Anyone wishing to receive regular updates can receive this via e-mail if they let us have their details. (Dave Hanlon added that copies of the newsletter were being handed out at Asda a few weeks ago).


On Friday a five year anti-social behaviour order (most are normally only issued for two years) was secured for 19 year old Daniel Berry following a long history of anti-social and criminal behaviour, he was banned from entering the Sherlock Lane area of Poulton. We worked closely with Caroline Laing, Manager of Wirral Anti-Social Behaviour Team, to secure this. Inspector Fletcher thanked Councillor Salter for his support on this. The residents of the area had been intimidated by this young person for a number of years.  Press notices will be going out this week showing the boundaries and details of the order and posters (with photo) will be placed in the area by the Anti-social Behaviour Team.


Last Sunday there was an open day at Wallasey Police Station, including a guided tour and history of the station along with a demonstration of the technology used. 90 people wanted to visit so a further open weekend has been arranged for 9th -10th May 2009, anyone wishing to attend should telephone 0151 777 2052/2053 to arrange this.


The Chair thanked Inspector Fletcher for her update and congratulated the Police on the success of the action taken within the Poulton area. The following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Carole Thomas – what is a fixed penalty notice?


A. – it is an on the sport fine given for criminal damage, minor crimes and traffic offences.


2.  Fr. Leon Ostaszewski – are you based at the Courthouse with the Community Safety Team and is this due to close at the end of March?


A. – Inspector Fletcher confirmed that the Inspectors are not based at the Courthouse. Councillor Keeley confirmed that the Courthouse is earmarked for closure but that a date has not been confirmed for this.  Mike Collins added that the Community Safety Team facility will be available at the new offices.


3.  Christina Jones – what impact has the Section 30 order had on neighbouring areas?


A. – no displacement problems have been noticed, but the neighbouring areas have been leafleted and we are monitoring these areas.


4.  Dave Hanlon – did Daniel Berry live in Sherlock Lane?

A. no, he has no fixed address.


Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service – Tony Mooney


Tony Mooney informed the forum that there was a detailed update on pages 13-14 of the Community Engagement Report.


The service has a list of companies storing gas bottles that are still in business and contacts for the companies that are no longer in business, if anyone has any concerns over the storage of gas bottles please call the fire station or email and this will be looked into.


An anti-social behaviour exercise held in the Borough Road area was successful with many positive outcomes.


The Chair thanked Tony Mooney for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:


5.  Fr. Leon Ostaszewski – what progress has been made on the community room?


A. – the lifestyle section should be ready by the end of March 2009, providing increased and improved facilities, such as improved shower / toilet facilities and disabled access.


6.  Carole Thomas – what is happening in the Fire Service re: youth provision?


A. – the Service is building on this provision by offering activities such as cycling from the fire station base. The Service is also working with the Council, as part of the Aiming High Initiative, and capital monies are available for this. Council officers will co-ordinate the activities, but this is still in its early stages, and he agreed to provide further details on this at the next forum.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Jo Goodfellow


Jo Goodfellow informed the forum that an update was available at the meeting. The Trust has been very busy over the last few months due to flu outbreaks and sickness bugs, leading to an increase in waiting times, but the situation is settling down. The Trust has been working hard to ensure that no-one has been turned away and avoiding the cancellation of planned operations.


The Trust is putting a lot of effort into tackling infections and has opened an isolation ward.


£1.4m was spent on Ward 14. The ward has been renovated and is now a state of the art ward with self-contained en-suite bays.


The Trust was awarded best district hospital in England in the Dr Foster Good Hospital Guide last year, which compares services and treatment outcomes at all hospitals across the country.


The Chair congratulated the Trust and thanked Jo Goodfellow for her update, there were no questions raised.


NHS Wirral (formerly PCT) – Dr Shyamal Mukherjee


Dr Shyamal Mukherjee informed the forum that the Victoria Central Hospital (VCH) walk in centre at Wallasey is now open from 8am – 9pm Monday to Fridays and 8am – 7pm at weekends and Bank Holidays. There is a doctor on site, and the centre and deal with minor injuries and has x-ray facilities. The new build at the VCH site houses NHS wirral activities. The centre can now deliver more services in the area and will take the pressure from Arrowe Park.


NHS Wirral was assessed and received the highest score in three areas:

  • Strategic planning
  • Financial planning
  • Governance


The Chair thanked Dr Shyamal Mukherjee for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:


7.  Carole Thomas – will patients from other practices be able to use the new facilities at the Manor practice?


A. – patients will be able to access the services nearest to tem e.g. phlebotomy – a patient can ring and choose an appointment at any clinic within Wallasey.


8.  Councillor Knowles – will there be a directory advertising these services?


A. – the GP practices are the cornerstone of the NHS and patients need to keep up relationships with their own doctor.


Older People’s Parliament – Stan Thompson

Stan Thompson informed the forum that a newsletter was available at the meeting. An annual report to the Parliament gave details of the achievements and activities over the last 12 months, including the following:

  • An increased local input and credibility linked to an increased membership.
  • Running three themed day-conferences, which were successful with very positive feedback:
    • Crime and Respect, this was successful and was attended by a Judge, a Police Inspector and representatives from various local agencies, covering what is being done to help keep us safe and listening to our concerns
    • Housing, covering an overview on retirement villages, sustainable housing and a discussion with local planners on what older residents want in Wirral
    • Waste Collection, covering what is involved in waste collection services, how it is dealt with and how we can assist the local authority in recycling / disposing of the waste
  • Monthly Active Health and Social Care Group meetings, resulting in a big survey of peoples’ experiences about going home from hospital. We are pleased that that our findings are being taken very seriously and changes being made, the hospital has already taken steps to have a short stay area at the side of the hospital, near the discharge lounge, for patients to be collected.
  • Having Parliament representatives on many policy forming boards.
  • Lifelong Learning; crime and Respect; Housing and Supporting Grandparents groups that all meet regularly.
  • Appointment of a member to lead our input on national issues, we are affiliated to the National Pensioners Convention and Better Government for Older People.
  • The work carried out by Brian Christian, based at Age Concern, who has produced two excellent newsletters and tries to keep us in some sort of order!

As our second year comes to an end we must thank Wirral Borough Council (in particular Steve Maddox, Tracey Smith and John Webb); NHS Wirral (in particular Kathy Doran and Tina long); The Hospital Trust; Riverside Housing (in particular Jayne Branch Murray) and Age Concern (in particular Jamie Anderson).

If anyone is interested in joining the Parliament please complete application form (copies available at the meeting) and help us to ensure our third year is even more successful.

John Thompson apologised for the lack of support from the public at this meeting.

The Chair congratulated the Parliament on its success, hoped that this would continue and thanked Stan Thompson for his update. He received a round of applause from the forum. The following questions / issues were raised:

9.  Carole Thomas – there are many grandparents in the Seacombe area who have been left to look after their grandchildren, are they receiving any additional benefits for this (on top of the family allowance), if not can the forum try and take this issue forward?


A.  – no, the situation is still the same. The Chair agreed to look into this.


10.Dave Hanlon – applauded Stan for his update, confirmed that he had joined the Parliament, and asked how many members were on the Parliament.


A. - I do not have the number of members with me, and we are still recruiting associate members, but will report back on this at the next meeting.


Minute decision: Resolved that: 

(i)  The partners be thanked for their updates

(ii)  Tony Mooney to provide an update on the Aiming High Initiative for the next forum meeting

(iii)  Stan Thompson to report back on membership of the Older Peoples Parliament

(iv)  Councillor Karen Hayes to look into possibility of the forum taking forward issue of financial assistance for grandparents looking after their grandchildren