Agenda item

Integrated Transport Block Funding


Mark Camborne gave an update on the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) Funding.


In Autumn 2006 the forums were consulted on how this funding would be allocated. Nine of the forums requested that the funding remain in a central pot for funding larger schemes. Two of the forums (Heswall/Pensby/Thingwall and Bromborough/Eastham) requested that the funding be allocated by the forums. The success of this initiative piloted in 2007/08 in these two Area Forums, has led to continued de-centralisation of funds for 2008/09 for the two forums and officers being requested to consult with the remaining nine Forums to determine if they wish to receive de-centralised funding (this will be approximately £18,000 per area forum) for allocation on traffic schemes. If the forums decide to opt for this the funding they will be supported by an officer form Technical Services, who will offer guidance, advice, ideas and information on costs, risks, pitfalls etc. The funding would have to be spent within the financial year it is allocated. A report on the forums’ recommendations will be taken to Cabinet on 19th March 2009, so the decision needs to be made by 13th February 2009.


The Forum debated this proposal and the following questions / issues were raised:


1.  Councillor Keeley – raised concerns over amount of funding available as would not cover the cost of larger schemes and felt that it would be better to leave it in the central pot if want larger schemes to be implemented.


2.  Stan Thompson (representative of the Older People’s Parliament and the small community at Mariners Park) – asked if there was an avenue of approach to the decision makers, as a pelican crossing is needed in the Mariners Park area as the average age of people crossing the road to the bus stop is 75 years.


The Chair confirmed that this had been on the list for some time and that if forum decide to de-centralise the funding they would get together and discuss how and where it would be allocated. Carole Thomas added that the community representatives can be contacted through the Liscard / Seacombe Partnership and offered to provide further details on this at the end of the meeting.


Chris Jones confirmed that if the other area forums decide to keep their allocation then this comes off the central pot, but that forums could pool funds to carry out a larger scheme in one forum area one year and one in the other forum area the following year. Mark Camborne added that it may also be able to be added to other funding pots, such as You Decide.


3.  Fr. Leon Ostaszewski – could the fund be used in conjunction with Merseytravel, as it would be beneficial to have an rendezvous point for buses in the Liscard area with an information kiosk (as at Heswall bus station) to make the area safer?


Mark Camborne – the fund would probably not be enough to cover such a scheme.


4.  Dave Hanlon – £36,000 for a crossing is a drop in the ocean from the streetscene budget.


Mark Camborne – the £18,000 is in addition to the normal funding for the structural maintenance programme and the local transport plan. Chris Jones added that streetscene has a budget to maintain what is already in place and would use this budget to maintain structure of works funded under the ITB funding.


5.  Tony Ford – would ramps for prams / wheelchairs need to come form this budget, as a ramp disappeared following a road re-surface 18 months ago (this was reported 12 months ago but the ramp has not been re-instated)? Also what is the position re: inadequate ramps?


Chris Jones – confirmed if something is taken away following works then this would be replaced out of the streetscene budget, but that he was not aware of this issue and agreed to take more details at the end of the meeting and look into this. Mark Camborne added that any dropped crossings already in place would be covered by the streetscene budget, but that is the fund is de-centralised it could be used to put in more dropped crossings and the forum would have more control as to where they would be placed.


6.  Carole Thomas – raised reservations re: use of You Decide as matched funding, as this was a great success with a high level of public input.


Mark Camborne – this is only one option and it would be for the forum to decide, some of the You Decide funding was used on road safety schemes.


The Chair deferred the decision and requested that the members of the forum submit their recommendations and any further questions to the Community Engagement Co-ordinator by 12th February 2009. Mark Camborne confirmed that if the forum do not put forward a recommendation then it is likely that the fund will remain in the central pot.


Minute decision: Resolved that: 

(i)  Chris Jones look into issue of reinstatement of ramp that disappeared following a road re-surface

(ii)  The members of the forum pass recommendations re: the allocation of the ITB fund to Michelle Gray by Thursday 12th February 2009 for forwarding to Technical Services by Friday 13th February 2009