Agenda item


To receive the written reports of the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11.



The Mayor introduced the summary reports from the Leader, Cabinet Members and Policy and Performance Committee Chairs and asked for questions on any of the reports.


Councillor Treena Johnson asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Public Health.


Councillor Janette Williamson stated in response:

·  She felt sad that people could live this way, and welcomed the opportunity provided at Council for Members to ask questions on the subject. A Public Health England report on the matter was being drafted for presentation to the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28 November.


Councillor Chris Blakeley asked questions of the Leader and Cabinet Members for Transformation, Leisure and Culture, Housing and Community Safety, Adult Social Care, Highways and Infrastructure, Environment and for Public Health.


In response comments included:


Councillor Phil Davies stated in response:

·  His agreement that Councillors should be involved in all consultations relating to the proposed development of the Hoylake Golf Resort and any highways related matters, and that all reasonable steps would be taken to ensure this. He will consult with the groups mentioned.


Councillor Ann McLachlan stated in response:

·  Community safety, reducing anti-social behaviour and ensuring residents felt safe is a top priority for Wirral residents, however she was not aware that any ‘free’ security was being provided for private businesses and that she investigate and a full written response would be provided to Councillor Blakeley, copied to all Councillors.


Councillor George Davies stated in response:

·  The Selective Licensing Scheme has now identified almost all properties which require a license and legal action is being taken against those landlords or agents who have not obtained a license. He had attending a meeting the previous week and it should be noted that the government had now stopped roll-out of any new schemes. Work would continue in the 4 areas within Wirral and Members would be kept informed.


Councillor Chris Jones stated in response:

·  Transitional arrangements for individuals affected were continuing, and the matter of the installation of a new lift at Tollemache Road was under  consideration by planning officers.


Councillor Bernie Mooney stated in response:


·  The matter of fly tipping and enforcement continues to challenge, new legislation introduced in May 2016 will enable Wirral to enforce penalties alongside other actions to bring about behavioural change. Financial constraints continue to squeeze the Council’s contracts, but if Councillor Blakeley could provide the address / location, she would ensure the circumstances would be investigated. She would also look at the schedules.


Councillor Janette Williamson stated in response:


·  The matter of alcohol related deaths and suicides linked to drugs and alcohol were of concern to all. The Council’s Alcohol Strategy and consideration of associated death / suicides were to be considered by the Health and Care Performance Panel at its meeting scheduled for the 7 December. 


Councillor Adam Sykes asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services.


Councillor Tony Smith stated in response:

·  He noted that the recent discussions at national level regarding establishing new Grammar Schools was unusual, given that the matter was not included in the Tory Party Manifesto. He commented that Michael Wilshaw, Ofsted Inspector stated that in his opinion such a strategy would not necessarily drive up standards, and that is was far better to improve the quality of all schools.


Councillor Ian Lewis asked questions of the Cabinet Member for Social Care and for Highways and Infrastructure.


Councillor Chris Jones stated in response:

·  It was her understanding that Charlotte House was complying with commissioned service level agreements and had recently been inspected less than 6 months previously by the CQC. If Councillor Lewis was aware of a problem, could he please let her know immediately. DASS weekly meetings continued.


Councillor Pat Cleary asked questions of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure and for Community Engagement and Communications.


Councillor Matthew Patrick stated in response:

·  He could confirm that the Council’s new publication would indeed be printed using environmentally friendly, recycled paper.


Councillor Stuart Kelly asked questions of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, Adult Social Care and Children and Family Services.


In response comments included:


Councillor George Davies stated in response:

·  Although not in his report, a large number of people continued to work in support of the Council’s Empty Property Strategy and he had recently attended a meeting with the Birkenhead MP and 30+ interested parties. He informed that 90% of properties affected were in the private sector.


Councillor Chris Jones stated in response:

·  There is to be a meeting on 2 November for the Chairs and Spokespersons of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees to ensure more meaningful indicators are considered. This will include the indicator in respect of life expectancies..


Councillor Tony Smith stated in response:

·  Although it had been proven that there were positive benefits to an individual’s mental health, he agreed that low wage employment doesn’t necessarily get you out of poverty. 


The Mayor informed Council that the 30 minutes allocated to this item had expired and that in the interest of proceeding with Council business, questions relating to Highways and Infrastructure matters that remained unanswered would be provided with a written response.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham confirmed that he would be happy to provide responses to the questions in writing.




(1)  That each of the Cabinet Portfolio Summary reports be noted.


(2)  That the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs be noted.


Supporting documents: