Agenda item


To receive the written reports of the Executive and Policy and Performance Committee Chairs, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11.



The Mayor introduced the summary reports from the Leader, Cabinet Members and Policy and Performance Committee Chairs and asked for questions on any of the reports.


Councillor Chris Blakeley asked a question of the Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care.


Councillor Chris Jones stated in response.

·  Further to earlier debate re Girtrell Court, residents accessing care were consulted as to choice of care packages and a varied range of options are to be provided as a result. The number of people accessing care is not always easy to predict, but we are confident that needs will be met in the alternative provision.


Councillor Jeff Green asked two questions of the Leader.


Councillor Phil Davies stated in response.

·  Any reduction in unemployment levels are welcomed, and Members and Officers of the Council are working hard to ensure that momentum is not lost. Successes continue with a further 75 new jobs being created as a result of the Wind Farm extension. On the negative side it is shameful that zero hour contracts make up a proportion of the reported national statistics.


·  In terms of the Council’s contribution to the new Growth Company, information detailing assets will form part of a detailed report to Cabinet in May 2017. Further information regarding the joint venture and business case may be found in the report considered by Cabinet on 27 February 2017. Elected Member workshops will provide further updates as the project progresses.


Councillor Jeff Green asked a question of the Cabinet Member - Transformation, Leisure and Culture.


Councillor Ann McLachlan stated in response.

·  With regard to the staffing costs identified, it should be remembered that the transformation agenda has been born out of austerity. The proposals running over a period of 4 to 5 years must result in an overall saving of £40million. The £1.3million mentioned is a substantial figure, but delivery of the project requires a skilled and knowledgeable team and represents good value given the challenges ahead.


Councillor Angela Davies asked a question of the Cabinet Member - Transformation, Leisure and Culture.


Councillor Ann McLachlan stated in response.

·  BWB – Bates Wells and Braithwaite area commercial London law firm that provides a full legal service underpinned by a commitment to the public interest. By utilising their services and sustainable cost models, this Council aims to protect jobs, make best use of its assets and re-invest in Wirral’s future.


Councillor Phil Brightmore asked a question of the Cabinet Member - Community Engagement and Communications.


Councillor Matthew Patrick stated in response.

·  Elected Members will play an important role in any proposals for Constituency Committee reviews. Along with Councillors, there will be full engagement with other partners i.e. Community Groups, Committee Members, Chairs and Constituency Managers.


Councillor Lesley Rennie asked questions of the Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure.


In response comments included:


Councillor Chris Jones.

·  Any additional funding for Adult Social Care is welcome, however the £2billion total provided nationally - £12million for Wirral is to be spread over a 3 year term. It is calculated that Wirral is underfunded to the sum of £19million, and this short term one off payment is not sufficient for sustainable planning. This is not just a Wirral problem, but one experienced nationally. 


Councillor Stuart Whittingham.

·  He was not aware of the specific circumstances on individual locations, regarding failed street lighting, but a written response would be provided to all Elected Members regarding the statistics for the Borough, to include assurance that there is proper ongoing review of all reported failings.


Councillor Tom Anderson asked a question of the Cabinet Member - Community Engagement and Communications and the Cabinet Member – Public Health.


In response comments included:


Councillor Matthew Patrick.

·  There was no mention of Wirral View in his report, but the point raised regarding decision and Call-In announcements will be investigated and a written response will be provided.


Councillor Janette Williamson.

·  Welcoming the enquiry, Councillor Williamson repeated her strong support of the programme to raise awareness of the over-prescription of antibiotics. It had become increasingly clear of the dangers from over-prescription, and GPs were now leading as ‘guardians’ in the challenge. She highlighted a new Public Health England antibiotic guardian ‘pick-a-pledge’ website where members of the public could learn simple actions to help fight antibiotic resistance.


Councillor Pat Cleary asked questions of the Cabinet Member – Housing and Community Safety and the Cabinet Member – Transport and Infrastructure.


In response comments included:


Councillor George Davies.

·  The enforced sale of empty properties and business premises such as public houses is supported, particularly when they have a detrimental effect on an area. This Council is working to ensure that good quality housing is available to those who need it. Wirral is progressing well in its endeavours through engagement with the Liverpool City Region plans and Housing Zone Status providing access to additional funds.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham.

·  He was not aware of the specific circumstances on individual locations, but he was assured that programmed works would continue to progress, with funds allocated in the highways maintenance budget. If details could be provided, he would ensure a written response would be made available to all Members.


Councillor Ian Lewis asked questions of the Cabinet Member - Community Engagement and Communications and the Cabinet Member – Transport and Infrastructure.


In response comments included:


Councillor Matthew Patrick.

·  There was no mention of the Wirral View in his report, but he was happy to respond to the point raised. Prior to the introduction of Wirral View the Council actually spent more on information dissemination, reaching fewer residents than currently – particularly those living in less affluent areas of the Wirral.


The Assistant Director: Law and Governance provided additional information on rules regarding Purdah and Council statements / publications during the Purdah period. 


Councillor Stuart Whittingham.

·  There was no mention of trees in his report, and he was not aware of the specific circumstances regarding an individual location, but if Councillor Lewis could e-mail him with the details he would ensure a response would be provided.


Councillor Stuart Kelly asked a question of the Cabinet Member - Transformation, Leisure and Culture.


Councillor Ann McLachlan stated in response.

·  A report detailing Wirral’s Culture and Leisure assets that includes detailed information and proposals regarding condition surveys and interim investment is scheduled for consideration at Cabinet on 27 February 2017. Scrutiny will be a key part of the process, with the Business Scrutiny Committee being provided with regular updates on progress.


Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of the Leader and the Cabinet Member – Transport and Infrastructure.


In response comments included:


Councillor Phil Davies.

·  Re-iterating his earlier response, information detailing Council assets will form part of a detailed report to Cabinet in May 2017. Further information regarding joint venture proposals and business case may be found in the report considered by Cabinet on 27 February 2017.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham.

·  He was in receipt of Councillor Gilchrist’s written question and would respond in detail under the next item of Council business, Item 7 (Member’s Questions), minute 141, post.


Councillor David Elderton asked a question of the Leader.


Councillor Phil Davies stated in response.

·  With regards to Car Parking charges, the primary driver for consideration of their proposed introduction had been the stringent cuts to the Council’s income from Central Government Policy. Proposals had been modified as a result of listening to feedback from the public. This Council would welcome discussions with the Minister at any opportunity to further explain the impact on local government finances, or the opportunity for a ‘sweetheart deal’ as offered to some other local authorities.


Councillor Chris Spriggs asked a question of the Cabinet Member – Public Health.


Councillor Janette Williamson stated in response.

·  Everything possible should be done to raise awareness of Mental Health issues, the services currently provided in Wirral should be commended for what they do with regards to assisting people in their day to day lives and helping people become ‘work ready’ via such projects as ‘First Steps’. 


Councillor Cherry Povall asked a question of the Cabinet Member – Transport and Infrastructure.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham stated in response.

·  Investment in highways infrastructure is always welcomed and the dropped kerbs provided at the traffic lights / roundabout at Clatterbridge served as part of a scheduled programme of improvement works. There were a number of bus stops in the location, indicating that there was pedestrian traffic. He further stated that he would investigate the points raised regarding subsidence at Beechway and recent petitions regarding potholes, and would provide a written response to Elected Members.


Councillor Jean Stapleton asked a question of the Leader.


Councillor Phil Davies stated in response.

·  Attendance at the MIPIM4-day real estate exhibition, conference and networking event provided an opportunity to showcase Wirral, Merseyside and other UK City Regions. With a view to future partnerships, and supported by Senior Officers, we were able to pitch Wirral’s growth company and have discussion with Ministers, gathering information and making direct contact with 40 prospective investors. Further updates on progress will also form part of the business case update to be reported to Cabinet in May 2017.


Councillor Dave Mitchell asked a question of the Leader.


Councillor Phil Davies stated in response.

·  Re-iterating his earlier response to Councillor Elderton, consultation had taken place regarding the proposed introduction of Car Parking charges and proposals had been modified as a result of listening to feedback from the public.




(1)  That each of the Cabinet Portfolio Summary reports be noted.


(2)  That the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs be noted.

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